Aussie Growers Thread

Well tezz its safe to say you might be a little larger than most of the dudes on ere.... cant say ive heard an aussie say 100 clones... LOL
i figure why not turn that small branch into a q or a 50... that main bud would be better and bigger than what the branch could produce on the plant.. my theory lil bonsais got a couple going now... they were tucked away on the floor of my room about a 50 on em barely fed barely recieved light...
yeah 10o is a decent alot but i have another 100 left to cut .or so im taking it you guys have never heard of two faze modulator ballist .......??????????:bigjoint: im pretty sure the government took them off the shelves coz u can do big big big killa grows with them n get a tiny bill for electricity better alternative to stealing it when u need it for big grows
Nice one !

Question for yas , would it be a good idea to take clones now for outdoors ,this close to flowering?

i think, to answer that is a yes and no, answer, technically it is to late, but it is possible to clone under lights then if you say vegged under the lights for a month you might get some kinda decent trees to put out side during winter as long as you got a place with not much exposure to frost later, in winter
damn people if ya all really about growing:leaf: look up them 2 phase modulators ballist' shitloads of doe .......(if they still make them ...havn't checked)but imho better genetics in flower ill post a pic of sum of the babies i done last night ....all done in flower.....for the better genes so personally id wait till at least 2\4 week of flower and clone then jus the way everyone i know does it better genes trust that ...the ones i clones last night were in 5th week of flower(takes a lil to get em back to veggatation but well worth it coz of nodes &genes ) but clones taken in flower have waaaaaaaaaaay better genetics no doutism.idk how you guys evercome to the concusion that taking clones in veg is actually good.........coz one dont get the pods or genes as good as when taken from flower,imho and experience over many many many yrs i wont grow clones taken in veg coz they fdont carry thru the genetics as well...sorry but its a well known fact among us big growers no disrespect but its true:bigjoint: you grow big grows...

nice quality, or just nl, white rhino etc etc...mersh strains.

You grow any tga or sannies?
yeah atm it probally is coz im doing 20 things at once and yeah that i do.......i was stating to go get yourself b4 if they arnt already illegall everywhere a two faze modulator ballist &to take clones the best tym to take clones is between 3\5 week of flowering as any clone cut in vegatation dont carry the genes with it ...probally why alota growers say that clones degrade after several grows because they arnt doing cuts for clones at the right tym ....and i do actually ill gab sum flicks soon.......but atm im doing work both prep work and care wrok.....and wake n baking so yeah sumtymes my ish might b hard to read but only coz im like doing twenty things at once .but gimme a lill biut andyeah ill post my strain of tga n sannies but nope ....that is a small quantity of clones actually ....i cut earlier and having a few properties is why you grow big grows...

nice quality, or just nl, white rhino etc etc...mersh strains.

You grow any tga or sannies?

all my crops are of the highest quality not jus looking nice....anyone can make a nice looking crop ...but its the hammer of the smoke that matters it strenght .n potency ...pretty much all my grows are one hitter quiters for normal people but i do smoke 24\7 364 days a yr ..but nope they got the bang and the glam ..the hammer comes first and looks later ...i pride myself on my growing ..bvn doing so for eons ..of only the best quality weed i supercrop and advanced my own particiular methods but ill just say this much there are maybbe 10\20% of real growers out there that understand advanced nute-ing&how to kill it on all levels looks and grade of potency i wont go into it in detail atm as im a tad bit buisy ..
oh ok...

I just find that no matter what kind of product it is, the larger the quantity the harder it is to have consistent high quality, however, consistent low quality is highly achievable.

For example, my connoisseur strains (you know, the ones that might veg slow, yield average, but the smoke is awesome sauce, like querkle for instance) would be cured for 3 months minimum...but if I was growing for commercial sale, then I would let the $$$ speak for themselves, big buds that are heavy, that are one hit quitters sell just as well as some absolute fire dank that has been cured for 12 months and smells of passionfruit and mango, and gives you an introspective high that really makes you think and feel better after smoking.

On another forum, a beer one actually, there was a person that came from left field onto the forum spouting how his brewing techniques were the best, how we didn't know how to properly hop our beers, how his friends think that his beers are the best. He also didn't know how to use the spell checker...and brewed considerably more beer than anyone else on the forum - he did 400 litre batches, most do 23litre).

Here is the person I am talking about.

Are you that person...

As that would answer a lot of questions I have at the moment about you...especially because of your weird exciting way of cloning during flower to get
more genetics
to answer ur question no your dead wrong keep going the leaf clones buddy i have experts telling me to clone during flowering because you need the gentics period....or dont even bother coz after two or three generations they are aint worth shit...except for the throwing in the bin...and that is from alot of growers at the top ...not people that are learning also the facts are it can also help advance the gentics as when grown and cloned from flowering clones and after re-vegging they have nodes already on there when they arnt in flower period... ive cloned from the same plants over n over and each tym are better and better genes period... but i have no idea what your talking on...curing yes the rest i have no idea wtf u talkn about ...made no sence to me .....and no i am not whichever dude u may think i am ...fully ....tripper this is common knowledge amongst us proper growers the 10\2o% who can pull of the killa grows without breaking a sweat no offence .....jus realness .