Aussie Growers Thread

Just never seen a real "orange" that will rock anyone. Sure it would be awesome to grow and nice to smoke, orange strains are usually low thc but very happy high and yeah, maybe a little trippy.
If you get a plushie boy, pass it on or get me some pollen before you bin it! I asked Bucky yonks ago but he binned them all! Space issues I know.
Yeah I hope it's true! I do like the idea but would punt on others first myself. I guess that's a good thing because I've found the best keepers in unlikely places
qurkle and chenobyl aint bad imho still got them strains atm ...jus got finnished doing my newest room 2.3 metres squared and 1.9 metres high all my newest babbys now in there .romberry or rumberry how ever one wants to pronouce it(tho im sure its romberry the 3#) .super skunk x jah of light and x nl ,white rhino and white widow .....grab a flick soon .....gotta head down to the country range soon and grab me sum wiked bud porn there too in the next day or two :leaf:...when tym permit's:bigjoint: