JUS BLAZN A BIG ASS SLPIF*FO,.AL*MOST COUGHED,AL*MOST,BUT IM GOOD,BUT DAMN DAT SHIT FD ME UP, it a ful tym job keepn iy all so gangstaz n tryna reprezent da west sidez of oz................. blazn all da one hittar quittar wit da buoyzzz whi i's ben practizing all my sik az bboys movez n cwalk lmmao LOLLs lULZ............... and buisy makn all da sick beatz n kush clothez 4 da homiez is a fulltym job ya feelz me?
sorry 'ome you know how hard it was to write that last one? That took a lot of effort and all those red squiggles, it's hard when you're not a pro like master batey!
some worki gotta finnish for a certain sumone.lol,still tweaking and gettn it right yeah deff gotta twek it ,change a bit of it,some of ity,dosent sit propper wiht me,,so hmmm,gotta work on it YEAH HAVE TO FINNISH IT ,PROPPER,CHANGE IT UP,;NOTE TO SELF