Active Member
Just received my 1 litre bottles of cyco "FLOWER" a+b, although I ordered cyco "BLOOM" a+b.. this product was 80$ more than what I payed for on their site... score!!! is bloom still needed or should the "flower" ( plant growth regulator) be fine?
you need both tbanga, the bloom is for flowering, you can then also get the PGR's, Cyco is a good range, however i dont like how theres so many different parts to the range, I used the entire full range of Cyco on my lemon haze grow and vouch for Cyco, im running house and garden at present, it has a Coco, Hydro or Soil A + B and thats it, no different A + B for veg and flower, its the same for both just different dosage, the only other product you need is the shooting powder, if you havent stressed any of your ladies, at given week in flower you hit them witht he powder and it induces the reset of flower,so you get flower growth on top of the existing flower growth, meaning big fat ass colas, Oz growers have been getting the best results this method with the product.