Aussie Growers Thread


s.mouse is a bit like tezza...he is a made up character that is there to make fun of stupid rappers/drug addicts respectively.

Have a look for the tv show called angry boys, summer heights high and we can be heroes. The same actor does all main characters.


s.mouse is a bit like tezza...he is a made up character that is there to make fun of stupid rappers/drug addicts respectively.

Have a look for the tv show called angry boys, summer heights high and we can be heroes. The same actor does all main characters.


hahaha ok dont I look like a dumbass.
I realy thought he was like your hero and shit ,,,,hahaha.....sorry Im a moron.
Have seen that bloke before ....tooo funny
dont watch much TV.....but watched some the other night ,didnt realize you had to weigh over 150kg to reposses cars..........
yeah, I hear ya shankae...I don't watch any tv at all.

Well, I do watch youtube, tedtalks etc. I mostly download quality stuff to watch through torrents. Arrested development and summer heights high etc for comedy, documentaries for when I smoke and shit - have just recently downloaded clearing the smoke - the science of cannabis. Will give that a watch soon. Really like Dr Grinspoon.
Another good docu is dirt the movie.

A look at man's relationship with Dirt. Dirt and humans couldn't be closer. We started our journey together as stardust, swirled by cosmic forces into our galaxy, solar system, and planet. We are made of the same stuff. Four billion years of evolution created dirt as the living source of all life on Earth including humans. Dirt has given us food, shelter, fuel, medicine, ceramics, flowers, cosmetics and color --everything needed for our survival. For most of the last ten thousand years we humans understood our intimate bond with dirt and the rest of nature. We took care of the soils that took care of us. But, over time, we lost that connection. Our species became greedy and careless. We still depend on dirt, but now we abuse and ignore it. We are destroying our last natural resource with our agriculture, our mining, and our paving over the planet for cities. We turned dirt into something "dirty." In doing so, we transform the skin of the earth into a hellish and dangerous landscape for all life on earth. A millennial shift in consciousness about the environment offers a beacon of hope - and practical solutions. Around the globe, pioneers are coming together to save earth's last natural resource. Tiny villages rise up to battle giant corporations slaughtering their land. Scientists discover connections with soil that can balance global warming. Generation X brands organic farming as trendy and children begin to eat from edible school yards. Inmates find inner peace and job skills in a prison horticulture program. Medical researchers explore dirt's capacity to provide solutions to such devastating health crises as AIDS. Major religions are rediscovering the reverence for the natural world that unites them all. Uses animation, vignettes, personal accounts and story telling. Written by Anonymous
yeah, I hear ya shankae...I don't watch any tv at all.

Well, I do watch youtube, tedtalks etc. I mostly download quality stuff to watch through torrents. Arrested development and summer heights high etc for comedy, documentaries for when I smoke and shit - have just recently downloaded clearing the smoke - the science of cannabis. Will give that a watch soon. Really like Dr Grinspoon.

Ya got a good media player?
Arent these things the best fucking invention ever made
Thats what I do just download everything "I" want to watch ,then watch it when I want.No adds no bullshit and if I need to take a shit........I can take my time!!!

looks cool.....not quite sure what it is.....Im a computer moron.
I can watch porn .......
I can get music.......
can download TV and movies to my computer then transfer to my media player which plugs into any tv
recently learnt how to grow beter weed from the net.
But not sure what this program does.....
best media player out, hands down is VLC player. its free and has probly the most codecs i no.also in my opinion the best torrent player to download all those torrents would be "zuse".
oops i mean vuse im pissed, no work 2morrow lol..
anyways 2morrow im going to dig out my 7ft sativas considering they have only just now started to flower and move them else wear cos im pretty sure neighbours have spotted them.deff taking some phots 2morrow of them for yas....