Aussie Growers Thread

Most solar systems dont actually go back to the grid due to the cost involved in having them setup this way

yeah no, most do go back to the grid.Its much cheaper to get an inverter type system. Depending on the size of your unit and how much power you consume you can actually get a refund from the power company if you produce more power than you use.Its also easier because there are no batteries to have to worry about.
ok on your power board you have a dial,as you use power it runs a certain way (its either analog or digital)and adds up your billable Kw hours.
When you have solar panels hooked up to an inverter your billable hours will run "backwards "if you are producing more power than you are using,then at night obviously it runs the other way.
So if you have a good system (bigger) you at worst wont get an ectrical bill but purhaps just a small one,and at best your meter will have a smaller reading on it ,meaning you will get a refund from the electrcal company.
To install these systems to most houses you dont need to go anywhere near the ground (ie no trenches)it is simply hooked to the incoming power supply.
The smaller,and cheaper units are designed to lessen your power bills. So if you want "free "power you need to spend more money on a bigger system.
I think $10,000-$15000,buys you a 4 Kw system(dont quote me on this) that will run an average sized house for free all year round.And thats without any type of subsidy.
So in 10 years on average say, it will have paid itself off.....if power was to stay at the same price it is now..........but do you think it will????? I doubt it.
Yeah i only know what they told me on that house .. They could have been full of shit . Everyone was out to make a quick buck so i was probably fed a lot of bullshit...
The new house i had a guy from BP come out and he did a complete sys to feed the house and store to batteries We have a 6kw inverter sys and the price you said is about what he quoted for a 4kw, we are in a rural area though now so that probably makes a difference to it all ..Although we are in a new estate with underground power we are still considered rural..
We hardly ever use mains which is good.. Same with water ... why pay for it when if ya invested some coin in 10yrs it pays for itself your right.. Then you have free power for ever
Not that im aware of .. I no they have to be cleaned regularly but wasnt told they have to be replaced.. I think i would depend on whether you go cheap shity one or good quality german made panels
Um just looked at the book 25 years mine are guaranteed for then they have to be replaced. Dpends on the technology in the panel and the quality manufacturer
LOL, IMHO solar is a waste, for the investment, the amount of return and rate of that return is fkn minimal if that, also in the event of natural disaster, like in melbourne a year or so ago when we got slammed with that hail storm, well, there go your panels and in most cases, insurance lacked or didnt cover, so alot of people got pinged replacing them from there own pocket which is a small fortune on its own, id rather keep the money in my pocket and just pay the small amount of increase without any fkn headaches. Something i always keep in mind too is tradies, the less anyone comes to my property the better especially while i got shit growing, so, less things that require professional maintenance the better.

[420]Haze;7123384 said:
LOL, IMHO solar is a waste, for the investment, the amount of return and rate of that return is fkn minimal if that, also in the event of natural disaster, like in melbourne a year or so ago when we got slammed with that hail storm, well, there go your panels and in most cases, insurance lacked or didnt cover, so alot of people got pinged replacing them from there own pocket which is a small fortune on its own, id rather keep the money in my pocket and just pay the small amount of increase without any fkn headaches. Something i always keep in mind too is tradies, the less anyone comes to my property the better especially while i got shit growing, so, less things that require professional maintenance the better.

Dont you get it??there wont be any "small increases" power prices are set to explode. Solar power is the future.10 years is nothing .....then your power will be free,at about the same time the average power bill may be $2000-$3000 /year.
Hail damage is a concern yes,insurance will cover it now if you have the right policy.
As far as traddies coming to your home,time it to suit you and no probs.Systems dont take long to install.
Dont you get it??there wont be any "small increases" power prices are set to explode. Solar power is the future.10 years is nothing .....then your power will be free,at about the same time the average power bill may be $2000-$3000 /year.
Hail damage is a concern yes,insurance will cover it now if you have the right policy.
As far as traddies coming to your home,time it to suit you and no probs.Systems dont take long to install.

I respect your opinion shankae, but i disagree, i have heard from sparkies and electricians sub contracting doing installs, even they have told me unless your prepared to spend big $ like you suggested, then its not worth it for the return, $15 G's to some is pocket money, to others, to invest $15-$20 G's over a 10 year period aint practical when trying to pay off a mortgage, it could be better utilized elsewhere, i think someone else said it earlier, its ok to also base it off rates and pricing now, but we cannot be certain where things will lie in 10 years. If i had money to burn, id definately consider it.