Aussie Growers Thread


Well-Known Member
Dry, poweder in a coffee grinder, stir into juice- no taste, no worries, 15 mins feeling it

But I'd rather extract it, much easier to digest...
Fuck i hope you dont use the same grinder for your bud shit would be laced lol extracting is a pain in the ass yeh?


Well-Known Member
worth the wait for the magic miyag?
Wait? I'm usually pulling shrooms off a cake 3 days after I birth it, that's pretty quick. A couple of cakes the size of whiskey glasses produce up to an oz DRY so it's easy to grow too many. Drying don't take long and alcohol extraction is only an evening. 15 mins for effects is pretty quick too.


Well-Known Member
Fuck i hope you dont use the same grinder for your bud shit would be laced lol extracting is a pain in the ass yeh?
Haha Kmart had them for $12 so I bought 2.
Extracting is the easiest thing in the world, just takes a little while to evap the grain alcohol off after. I don't evap it all as the active doesn't store well as a crystal unless it's put back under alcohol and in the freezer. As a gunk it stores really well mixed with sugar in gel caps :)


Well-Known Member
Night FIWH

Yes you will try it mate, one day. Make sure it's the right time and place and you will have the best time.


just got my seeds, and planning to do a outdoor grow but down in melbourne worst weather at the moment, when should be a good time ? around November, December ?


Well-Known Member
Well. Welly, welly, well, well I had a small amount of dry ice lying around (don't ask) and a freezer full of trim waiting for me to iso it. Just grabbed a small amount (couple handfulls) and did a D.I.E. and I must say, for how friggin quick and easy it is, fuck yeah. Graded it by time, only been smoking the first 45 seconds and a couple of crumbs in the pipe do a nice job! Don't think I will bother with anything more complicated in future, thats for sure. In 90seconds from such a small amount I got about 3gs of pretty primo hash, so it's off to BOC tomorrow- there's probably an oz waiting in my freezer!


Well-Known Member
yeah i think im going dry ice this time around. sun maiden is coming down on saturday should get a good deal of hash from her i think. might chop the others 2nif i can be bothered after doing the maiden


Well-Known Member
yep im hearing you its bitter sweet thats for sure. i was just cleaning out my jars getting them ready for the cure and man they smelled good inside better than when they had bud in them. i can only imaging how good that bud would have been by now. im definitely gonna stash away a few ounces for a super long cure this time round. especially the bubba76


Well-Known Member
Nice. From what little scientific study I have been able to find, the potency improves for a couple of months as the acids convert and then begins to deterriorate due to oxygen exposure. If I tried to explain it further right now I would batey it. In a sealed jar o2 exposure is minimal but the theory for best long term cure is to cure in a vacuum. Rather than squishing it up in a vac bag brick style, my vac sealer came with a few little jars which I plan to fill, vac-seal and bury, eventually.


Well-Known Member
yeah i think im going dry ice this time around. sun maiden is coming down on saturday should get a good deal of hash from her i think. might chop the others 2nif i can be bothered after doing the maiden
I got all the trim from my mentor LOL, just remembered! a good lb of trim :) hehahaha, holy fuck, anyone up for a trip this way, we can all sit round and smoke chunks of hash all day!! i need some more jars me thinks