Aussie Growers Thread

Fuck I can't not say this but your a dog mate plain and simple enjoy your stay in the boneyard with the other dogs and child molesters go and tell your new mates ozcocoloco said fuck you all you probably have them sitting round the table with you now fucking mutts
Did i miss something in the past 2 hrs between this post and the previous ones ?
Could be worse, could've been in W.A. Just 10 grams of weed here can land you in jail for 2 years if they feel like it, properly fucked. Even just one plant will often land you in jail, the worst place in Australia to be in to grow or smoke weed
Could be worse, could've been in W.A. Just 10 grams of weed here can land you in jail for 2 years if they feel like it, properly fucked. Even just one plant will often land you in jail, the worst place in Australia to be in to grow or smoke weed
Fuck that’s a bit heavy duty
And you know wat makes it worse?
It's a blood family member
Fuck ice

thats fucked mate it really does ruin people/families. i worry for my brother he pretends he is ok and not addicted but i know he is, completely different person on it and off it. worse thing is he is a crazy fucking pyscho already without the shit. also shows how addictive it is considering as kids growing up smoking herb we always said we would never ever touch that heavy shit, EVER, swore pacts with all our mates. pretty sure 98% of those that swore this pact are addicted to the shit now, barely ever smoke herb anymore. sad days.
Fuck I can't not say this but your a dog mate plain and simple enjoy your stay in the boneyard with the other dogs and child molesters go and tell your new mates ozcocoloco said fuck you all you probably have them sitting round the table with you now fucking mutts
Haha get some liquid confidence in ya mate, as ya said before this is my battle so I’ll pick my own moves, you have no idea what’s happend over the last year, or what’s happening now, how’s get fucked sound?
thats fucked mate it really does ruin people/families. i worry for my brother he pretends he is ok and not addicted but i know he is, completely different person on it and off it. worse thing is he is a crazy fucking pyscho already without the shit. also shows how addictive it is considering as kids growing up smoking herb we always said we would never ever touch that heavy shit, EVER, swore pacts with all our mates. pretty sure 98% of those that swore this pact are addicted to the shit now, barely ever smoke herb anymore. sad days.
It all comes down to having respect for yourself and the ones you care for
I would for a mate but these cunts didn’t give 2 shits about me they were in it for the money, I’m just returning the feeling

The other guys they call “kingpins” I was more of a foot soldier, and they didn’t find anything large couple hundred pills and a bit of peti cash, but they have enough evidence from the last 12moths to put me away, so I’m in full damage control, the others will be doing a min of 10 years, I’m gonna disappear in the next few months

Why on earth would you work with people who only care about the money and why on earth would you even do that kind of business when you're not the one in charge, recipe for disaster as you can already tell

Rule #1 never operate illegal business's with people that you could not trust with your life. Rule #2 never be any kind of 'foot soldier' in illegal business, if you're not in full control and authority you will be fucked over at some point without a doubt
So I had the worst case scenario happen today, working away in the garage just had a dab 2 mins later I’m greeted by 5 D’s and a search warrant for my place....36plants confiscated, all my seeds, dab rig, some pills I had stashed for a rainy day. I was out of the game but wasn’t in the clear they took my car, some items, and cash.
I’m so fucking pissed with myself, this season was looking so fucking good, fuck my life, o well, at least I got bail...for now
fk, fk , fk
There is never a good reason to talk in your first interviews cops know how and when to crank up the pressure and when you have just been picked up is the number one time they do it any decent lawyer will never let you answer a question in the initial interviews other than name D.O.B and address,your not legally obligated to answer anything other than that
wise words.
I knew they weren’t fucking around when they tow truck was taking my 20k Ute, never to see it again
I feel for you mate, especially since you have priors but you knew the risk and seems like you may have been living large. I don't have priors and I grow small to minimise my risk. I'm to good lookin to risk a holiday.

Is your account on here safe? They would of confiscated your phones and computers.
That hood was a nightmare to fit last night for one person. Its bloody heavy but no buds were damaged in the fitting. I hope the tent poles hold....The spread of light is allot better.
Coco, yea without the glass would be better but I don't have a way to carbon the exhaust running it that way and the little room does get a bit warm even this time of year
That hood was a nightmare to fit last night for one person. Its bloody heavy but no buds were damaged in the fitting. I hope the tent poles hold....The spread of light is allot better.
Coco, yea without the glass would be better but I don't have a way to carbon the exhaust running it that way and the little room does get a bit warm even this time of year
Just remember to clean it each week it’s surprising how few guys that run vented hoods don’t clean the glass
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Try Nord you get a month free trial,the problem with free VPN’s is that they need to generate an income to pay for servers so if there is no subscription fess how do they pay for it ? By selling metadata to advertisers,so they have to have logs of some kind. Nord costs $15 a month if you pay monthly cheaper if longer. I do 6 months at a time and pay with a Woolworths pre paid visa so there is no connection to me but Nord have no log of any type policy are Swedish owned and based out of Panama they are untouchable