Aussie Growers Thread

Black dog .gth1. Started life as a very indica dominant plant then changed to a sativa dominant plant when it reached about 6 foot tall. Now over the 8 foot mark .think the haze from the gth1 is very dominant in this plant. If it doesn't Finnish in the next 5 weeks it will most likely die. IMG_20180416_163520.jpg
gonna rest well with dreams of getting raped in jail. thanks guys lmao
You made the right choice to move here, its way better than back our way! Try not to take offense to people here hehe there cunts by nature, but good cunts. Dont worry about your seeds, guy's im livin with has had heaps picked up by customs and they never rock up so he keeps telling me.
Start stocking up on white ox and bupe patches now if I was you ox is worth a shitload inside and el patchios are worth even more
I will enjoy the next few moments of my life as a free man stoned out of my gourd and tending to my plants. Not like I have to be locked up to be in prison anyway, we're all slaves to money in the end. Maybe if worse comes to worst ill eat some acid sugarcubes and just go all the way insane...
I will enjoy the next few moments of my life as a free man stoned out of my gourd and tending to my plants. Not like I have to be locked up to be in prison anyway, we're all slaves to money in the end. Maybe if worse comes to worst ill eat some acid sugarcubes and just go all the way insane...
That’s not a bad plan at all
Yeah he goes about his business in an honourable way,no big noting or drama he’s one of the few that still has passion and excitement about the plant and I think that shows in his work
He's a pollen chucker. Plain and simple. elite to elite... why didn't anyone else think of that?
There was nothing to be jealous there, I almost feel sorry for you.

Hey, reckon if you, fruity as shit and dumb-dumb combine your efforts that just soon enough y'all be able to formulate a single post worth reading?
U keep coming back here like u got no friends

Do you have children ?

Have you ever grown ?

Did you fuck your mum ?

These are the only things I'm curious about you....
There was nothing to be jealous there, I almost feel sorry for you.

Hey, reckon if you, fruity as shit and dumb-dumb combine your efforts that just soon enough y'all be able to formulate a single post worth reading?
Your handle sounds like u are still 15

Altar boy
from Canada, I'm in the process of moving
Aussies and Canadians get on well. If someone starts being a prick its because they think your a Septic Tank. maybe get afew T shirts made up "Canadian not a fkn Yank".... Just an idea..

GL getting the seeds thru Brisbane customs, heard they can be a bit to diligent. GL with the move and what ever you do never look at a Drop Bear in the eyes.