Aussie Growers Thread

So you guys in the know...all the seeds have at least cracked are now in soil in solo cups mini greenhouse with covers on closed and on top of a heat mat.
Temp is 22 inside the box but without the heat mat on would be 10 at most.
Leave like this till they pop above soil leave heat mat on for a bit after say a week or turn heat mat off once they have all popped above soil and take the covers off ?I opened the vents since the pic was taken
Orange og are in a glass of water as they are the only ones not cracked in 24 hrs
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I'd leave the heat matt on until there in slightly larger pots and a bit larger. Will keep the roots at a nice temp.
Yesterday was 22 degrees . winter still hasn't hit here fully yet. I'm hoping for a short winter. Only 4 more weeks to go before I start my spring seedlings . sacrificing one of my spots for a decent spring crop. Put up a mesh cage 4 foot tall. 8 foot wide and 11 foot long. Will be covering the sides with 3 layers of black plastic. Will be glueing 3 layers of black plastic together and pulling it over the cage every afternoon and pulling it off every morning on the wY to work. I will use 50 , 10 litre buckets with 4 plants in each bucket. 1 month veg then force flower. I assume it will either work or fail haha. The spot I have Is hidden inside log piles overgrown by trees. Been growing in that spot for 7 years. Harvested 100 female crumbled lime x strawberry glue seeds today. And about 50 female critical +2.0 x strawberry glue seeds as well. Already starting to get a nice female collection going for spring.
Choppers are allot of fun.

I posted my last one briefly, did u get a ganda before I deleted it?
Hey lukey been doing overtime for the last couple of weeks so I've been a bit lazy on the weekends to send you the package. I'll most likely send it next Friday. I'll throw in some female seeds I made as well
Crumbled lime x strawberry glue
Critical + 2.0 x strawberry glue
Strawberry glue
Tangilope x strawberry glue . feel free to share the seeds with other growers down that way. Will also throw in some regs I made. Critical super silver haze x trippy gorilla
Gorilla bomb x gth1 . also been lucky to been given some strains from other growers around the world so I'll throw in a couple of seeds from each of those strains as well. Cheers
Hey lukey been doing overtime for the last couple of weeks so I've been a bit lazy on the weekends to send you the package. I'll most likely send it next Friday. I'll throw in some female seeds I made as well
Crumbled lime x strawberry glue
Critical + 2.0 x strawberry glue
Strawberry glue
Tangilope x strawberry glue . feel free to share the seeds with other growers down that way. Will also throw in some regs I made. Critical super silver haze x trippy gorilla
Gorilla bomb x gth1 . also been lucky to been given some strains from other growers around the world so I'll throw in a couple of seeds from each of those strains as well. Cheers
Al good mate, I wont be popping nything I haven't already got for a couple months I recon. Ive got a few plants happening at all diff stages as it is.
This package sounds pretty awesome- thankyou
Yesterday was 22 degrees . winter still hasn't hit here fully yet. I'm hoping for a short winter. Only 4 more weeks to go before I start my spring seedlings . sacrificing one of my spots for a decent spring crop. Put up a mesh cage 4 foot tall. 8 foot wide and 11 foot long. Will be covering the sides with 3 layers of black plastic. Will be glueing 3 layers of black plastic together and pulling it over the cage every afternoon and pulling it off every morning on the wY to work. I will use 50 , 10 litre buckets with 4 plants in each bucket. 1 month veg then force flower. I assume it will either work or fail haha. The spot I have Is hidden inside log piles overgrown by trees. Been growing in that spot for 7 years. Harvested 100 female crumbled lime x strawberry glue seeds today. And about 50 female critical +2.0 x strawberry glue seeds as well. Already starting to get a nice female collection going for spring.
That sounds like a allot of work. Im having a beer for ya..

Crumbled x Strawberry glue sounds interesting

I also don't believe in heat mats after I cooked some seedlings last time I used one. I stick a plastic tray on top of my laptop power block and chuck em on that. It only gets really hot if I watch lots of midget porn

So your probably heating your whole bedroom off that bad boy then?