Aussie Growers Thread

Your problem is over watering. Don't read anything more into it or make it harder than it is.
Its the number one problem for a reason.

I agree with Ruby- buy a water meter probe from Bunnings. I use it every day. If it doesn't read 1 or less I don't water.
But it is a TUMOUR, not a blister... Ok fair enough. I'm reading into it to much
Took about 3 or 4 months and about 20,000 litres but got this brew to where the results have been where I want them.
IMG_20180925_171147673.jpg IMG_20180925_171136937.jpg
Had the guy from the neighbouring property come over for a chat about what we are doing because he could see how much better our property was performing even though we were running 1/3 more animals than he was and we're in the middle of a drought.
Took about 3 or 4 months and about 20,000 litres but got this brew to where the results have been where I want them.
View attachment 4204863 View attachment 4204864
Had the guy from the neighbouring property come over for a chat about what we are doing because he could see how much better our property was performing even though we were running 1/3 more animals than he was and we're in the middle of a drought.
Is that for use instead of brown sugar on the porridge or instead of maple syrup on pancakes?
I've got oxys and Tram_dol (banned word apparently) if you get stuck
I would eat all of the drugs you have starting with painkillers and working my way out from there. My throat is fuckin wrecked - been steadily coughing up blood all day. Think I might need to actually see someone about it.
Took about 3 or 4 months and about 20,000 litres but got this brew to where the results have been where I want them.
View attachment 4204863 View attachment 4204864
Had the guy from the neighbouring property come over for a chat about what we are doing because he could see how much better our property was performing even though we were running 1/3 more animals than he was and we're in the middle of a drought.
Nice thickshake
Don't be ridiculous as if you could find something better than brown sugar on porridge and maple syrup on pancakes

Thanks for making me realise I haven't eaten since I had a couple of eggs for breakfast at 7 this morning
I don't mind lemon and sugar on a pancake from time to time but 95% of the time I go for maple syrup. No contest when it comes to brown sugar on porridge.
porridge brown sugar is awesome, tried it with golden syrup? It is a must in winter, but pancakes all year round with bacon in between each pancake with heaps of maple syrup, perfect salt and sweet combination...