Aussie Growers Thread

I’m more into porn vids if I have free time to watch vids

i just have the tv's in there, because its on 12v solar, and its free to watch while watering or giveing them a haircut ,,,if i just burn a dvd


the pannels make so much power if i dont use a tv or something, on hot days the solar charger switches off as the batteriers are full

so i thought put a small 12v tv in each room
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Some people need to lay off the green every now an then....:confused:
Hey jim cant help but think you were having a laugh at my comment I'm just trying to put positive feedback out there and I have been fully clean going on 8months now. I dont see the confusion did you not like hes outdoor set up I thought it was pretty nice man.
Hey jim cant help but think you were having a laugh at my comment I'm just trying to put positive feedback out there and I have been fully clean going on 8months now. I dont see the confusion did you not like hes outdoor set up I thought it was pretty nice man.
All good bloke as i was havin a luagh... But agree it was an awesome backyard setup he had.. The reason i posted that reply was cause the bloke you gave credit to for it wasn the bloke that posted that vid an wasn of his backyard. It was a vid on youtube that was posted here on riu by a different member.
Good on ya for kickin old habbits mate.
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All good bloke as i was havin a luagh... But agree it was an awesome backyard setup he had.. The reason i posted that reply was cause the bloke you gave credit to for it wasn the bloke that posted that vid an wasn of his backyard. It was a vid on youtube that was posted here on riu by a different member.
All good jim thanks for the nice quick reply and I do admit it wasnt the best but well tidy back yard set up. Sorry only been on here maybe a month and really enjoying it hadnt noticed it was a repost. Cheers jim
This is just a guess purpleberry, but could be a potassium issue? Have you added any pk boosters?
Do you have cal mag deficiencies also? I’m pretty sure excess of potassium locks them out and I think Fe and zinc? (Yellowing of new growth)
I used to have an awesome chart that showed what excess macro/micro nutrients would lock out others.
Someone else may have a better idea...?
No pk booster i was thinking P by looking at megacrop, lacks phosphorous, has 4x as much pottassium
I already had a bearing press. I just brought the plates not this one but similar

agree a standard shop press and some heating plates would be the best bet. Much more precise with Both temps and pressures than with a straitener.
No pk booster i was thinking P by looking at megacrop, lacks phosphorous, has 4x as much pottassium

it’s meant that low for 2 reasons. Phosphorus is less important (especially in mid to late flower) than most people think and phosphorus locks out calcium (by making dicalcium phosphate which isnt plant soluble) which the more research I do seemes to be one of the most important elements and one of the easiest to lock out.

K levels are a bit high but they need that in late flower.

if you do want to raise the phosphorus level you can use map (mono ammonia phosphate) which will also raise nitrogen levels a bit (best in veg) or mpk (mono potassium phosphate) which will also slightly raise the k levels (best on early/mid flower) so you may need to lower the amount of mega used to even out the k levels.
I figure the paling is affecting new growth first? What medium are you in purpleberry? Could be worth flushing/doing a res change and using base only nute for a bit? I’ve had a similar issue before in dwc. Something was locking out Fe. I changed out bucket and put base nutes only in and foliar sprayed with AN cal/mag plus Fe. And leaves regained most of the green colour to them. Just a thought :cool:
Im in soiless peat based canna terra proffessional.
Gotta get me a pk booster, whats a good calmag brand also cheers, used to use gh 3 part with their calmag but overpriced

calcium works best as a foliar. Grab some calcium nitrate of the internet or if you want something with some other goodies with the calcium there’s the nts cmb trio I’ve linked a few times

p/k booster I just use mpk.