Well-Known Member
From the look of them i wouldn mind face plantin them every now an then.Wouldn’t be all bad I don’t think.....
How you go with the mites an wat are u usin a preventive. Cant remember that far back
From the look of them i wouldn mind face plantin them every now an then.Wouldn’t be all bad I don’t think.....
Like you need advice
I was waitin' till you responded to spray them.
Thanks, mate, much appreciated.
No problem. I hit mine 2-3 times a week
Nice to know I can hit them couple times a week when they need it.
How far along is this one bursto
still early days likeHow far along is this one bursto
Lookin good as for only 20days. Those lights workin good for ya.s
till early days like
started 1 jan,, had 4 ish weeks in veg, we kinda 20 days into flower, me tinks
Haha, Don’t think you’d want to get back up for a while.From the look of them i wouldn mind face plantin them every now an then.
How you go with the mites an wat are u usin a preventive. Cant remember that far back
Yea didn think it was that long ago i could be trippin anyway.[QUOTE="Hydro4life, post: 15331422, member:
had white butterfly/caterpillars just about to start on my outdoor grow.
Beernutz put me on to maverick. And that stuffs awesome! Using dipel as a preventative now they are in flower. Haven’t seen any caterpillars so must be doing something right![]()
Anyone in Melbourne got some Reverse Dragon, Dutch Master Reverse or Optic Foliar SWITCH or Florel's Ethephon they can spare or have left over not using? Happy to pay for it of course.
You got a male bro it was never female ain’t no fixing it. Did the seeds come from a fem pack or did a mate hook you upI KNOW SHIT HAPPENS BUT FUCK... last night took a few pics of what at the time appeared to be the girl I have come to know and love "see pics" and today after closer examination I couldn't help but notice some very foreign looking new growth which at first sight I thought was the beginning of flower... "see pics" now apart from Melbs fkd up rain and cold weather and especially cold nights like last night it hit just under 10degrees where I am but is that enough to cause this or what else could have done it... Could a nitrogen kick now potentially reverse this. Or am i jumping the gun. Fml its been vegging for so long with no sign
Just like using neem, I just spray a fine mist over everything and underside of leaves. Off memory dipel is a type of organic bacteria? That doesn’t harm good predator bugs like ladybugs etc. is very mild but effective against caterpillars and a few other insects.
Not sure about the cat side of things? Haven’t found any in mine haha. Unless they’ve been and gone and are off enjoying the rest of the day!?![]()