Aussie Growers Thread

Whats the fine for sharing a Joint in the ACT? $2k or somethin? Id rather the gov just ignore us. One of the last cash traded and tax free products. Look what the Gov did to Alcohol. Expensive as fk and goes up and up in price like Cigarettes.
Agreed. Try and start a legit business and PayPal and stripe will shut you down because it's the devil plant you're trading in. Guess it's cryptocurrency time
Agreed. Try and start a legit business and PayPal and stripe will shut you down because it's the devil plant you're trading in. Guess it's cryptocurrency time
Funny thing is the tax /excise goes up yearly but where does the increase in taxes go? I'm staggered people haven't rioted when they realise how much money the government receives and how much is pissed up against the wall.
He started with a hemp growing licence, which has been relatively easy to get for many years but very restricted on size- stilla shit ton of red tape. Once he had that he applied for a CBD growing licence which he now has. I dont think he can do any extracting. His product must be sold to Tas Alkaloids. Which would have all the licenses and wholsale contracts.
What did his licence cost?
I looked into it and federal state licencing checks permits etc was around 100k.
I think unless you have a spare mill. Forget about it. And I certainly don't have a spare mill or even close to a mill lying around lol
True, but there's alot of sick and elderly that trust doctors and pharmacists and.will follow the route set for them and that's where the bulk money is.
Craft beer vs cub
Cub makes squilliins more
Yeah I see it as the first 5 yrs of legalisation the government will fuck it up for the lil guys and then after the corps have sucked the industry dry they will start allowing home growers to participate probably