Aussie Growers Thread

Effin laughed my fkn arse off! Must of takin you all day to type that shit.......

I tried to better understand your crap so picked page 4500............
We've had this out many times, my sweet....

I prefer the term "Loveably Eccentric" (It's a product of my Pommie background & years in English boarding schools being thrashed with birch-twigs tied-together in bundles of five by the French mistress, dressed only in red stockings & suspenders with spiky 6-inch black heels).

Those were the days........ :D
Guess I can add this to the llama file?
Then your "simple" deductive reasoning (amongst other things) has some seriously gaping holes (pardon the obvious pun...).

1. It snows mostly in NSW, VIC & TAS. Generally only at high elevations. A large geographical area, wouldn't you agree? Australia has more ski-able area during winter than the whole of Switzerland (I got that from a Tally-Ho packet!). 'Dunno how any of that labels me as a Pom.

2. If I was a Pom, would I be complaining about being cold in a typically Australian climate? Probably more likely to complain about the heat....
Have I done that? You would know, of course....

3. AFL is a country-wide blight, not simply restricted to just the South-eastern states. Again, 'dunno how that labels me as a Pom.

4. My disdain for AFL is nothing geographical, nor related to ethnicity. I could be ethnic Chinese & live in Cook Town & STILL not like it. Have you considered that I simply just don't like it?

Maybe I just don't like any kind of competitive sport...AFL, NRL, basketball, horseracing.....greyhounds.....?

None of these would suggest that I'm a Pom.

Frankly, I'm very surprised by your initial question. I would've thought you could simply just consult the extensive "stalking" dossier you've apparently compiled on me & not have to seek any confirmation at all!!!!

Try another form of "profiling", thank you.
Gotta reply again......rolling on the fkn floor
Guess I can add this to the llama file?
Effin laughed my fkn arse off! Must of takin you all day to type that shit.......

I tried to better understand your crap so picked page 4500............

No, just a few minutes. I'm in the middle of feeding the dogs, cooking dinner, lighting scented candles & strewing rose petals on the floor in anticipation of my woman arriving home from work.

Who was I responding-to in that post? Hmmmm....... Let me think for a femto-second........

Entirely up to you what you add to your files....... You're the one that's compiling the "Stalking" dossier...... Whilst it was initially "apparent" (it only took a few posts to be sure), it's now blatantly obvious.

"Khamsa fi ainek" - Did you like the way I included another one of your socks in the conversation?
No, just a few minutes. I'm in the middle of feeding the dogs, cooking dinner, lighting scented candles & strewing rose petals on the floor in anticipation of my woman arriving home from work.

Who was I responding-to in that post? Hmmmm....... Let me think for a femto-second........

Entirely up to you what you add to your files....... You're the one that's compiling the "Stalking" dossier...... Whilst it was initially "apparent" (it only took a few posts to be sure), it's now blatantly obvious.

"Khamsa fi ainek" - Did you like the way I included another one of your socks in the conversation?
Done & dusted dickhead, game, set, FO
Not getting enough attention elsewhere?

Grindr gone a bit dry of late?

Client-base moving-on to something younger? Only 15 days until your next birthday.....
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Done & dusted dickhead, game, set, FO
Oh, I TRULY hope so. FINALLY got the message???

As you would know from your dossier, I'm not into competitive sports, but I get the tennis reference. 'Dunno how you think you may have won anything of the above, but anyway........

Don't let the door hit you on that cute arse of yours on the way may affect your client's perception & pay-rates if they're expecting "undamaged goods".
Bring it on fellahs ? Sorry mate but you're barking up the wrong tree if you think I'm going to do you up with some dust, it's every man for themselves in that regards.
Nah, you got me wrong there..... I had a few mozies while on a belly full of piss that arvo, It was fun, sorta lashed out without reading. It was fun baggin a sack full'o'shit for a change.

Guaranteed to happen again......Good luck man!

Goodnight folks. I'm off to schnuggle-up with a nice, soft, warm woman & fall asleep with her in my arms.
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Goodnight folks. I'm off to schnuggle-up with a nice, soft, warm woman & fall asleep with her in my arms.
Wot! No reggie! Hey fellah! I did join the dots on your trichs a few days ago! They were hard to find but you know what they said?

Wot! No reggie! Hey fellah! I did join the dots on your trichs a few days ago! They were hard to find but you know what they said?


I did say that I was pulling them early due to a few spots of nascent bud-rot.

At least I'm actually growing - & on my own property.

Flitting between cheap motel rooms must make it really hard for you to grow anything at all.

Got any pics of your current grow? You'll notice all my pics are date-stamped, so there can be no doubt that they're actually my current grows & not someone else's (or images randomly pulled from the interwebs).

Oh & I can always tell when you've got nothing left - that's when the insults & childish name-calling starts.
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We've had this out many times, my sweet....

I prefer the term "Loveably Eccentric" (It's a product of my Pommie background & years in English boarding schools being thrashed with birch-twigs tied-together in bundles of five by the French mistress, dressed only in red stockings & suspenders with spiky 6-inch black heels).

Those were the days........ :D
Posted once again, snowflake! You said it yourself Fat arse!

For reference to the mods floating around, "Fatarse" is a nickname given to a hairy nosed wombat at the 2000 Olympics. Aussie vernacular usually, but in this instance a derogatory term.

Looking forward to posting a bit of psyche evaluation to go with the "profiling" tonight!

Now tell me, who is this @Venus55? Guess he/she still occupies space in your thick skull? Why is that?
This is the Aussie forum thats a marcot
Hey KLX, how ya doin? Pretty sure they been doing that since the Egyptians, honey & papyrus maybe for the wrappings? Don't know what they called the method but it was the same thing. & Yeah, Marcot is what they refer to it as in the fruit caper. Usually used for stuff that is difficult to clone from smaller cuttings, or takes 20 years+ to fruit from seed. But as Rez said, not relevant to canna, or any annuals for that matter.

Ever tried the Aztec method of soil preparation for maize (corn)? The Aztecs I think are one of the oldest known civilisations when it comes to farming (including humans). Good luck man!