Aussie Growers Thread

Posted once again, snowflake! You said it yourself Fat arse!

For reference to the mods floating around, "Fatarse" is a nickname given to a hairy nosed wombat at the 2000 Olympics. Aussie vernacular usually, but in this instance a derogatory term.

Looking forward to posting a bit of psyche evaluation to go with the "profiling" tonight!

Now tell me, who is this @Venus55? Guess he/she still occupies space in your thick skull? Why is that?
From T:
A simple message to you from Martin, which I'm conveying whilst he cooks dinner for us. I did the prep. He's going to finish it:

He will no doubt deal with you in short order as an afterthought once he's done cooking & after we've both finished eating, but not before.

You don't occupy that much importance In his mind.....ever!
From T:
A simple message to you from Martin, which I'm conveying whilst he cooks dinner for us. I did the prep. He's going to finish it:

He will no doubt deal with you in short order as an afterthought once he's done cooking & after we've both finished eating, but not before.

You don't occupy that much importance In his mind.....ever!
Awww! How cute princess! Doin the whole slim shady thing maybe? Bring it, Fatarse!

No more reggie pics?
@Rewerb , now tell me, who is this @Venus55 ?

I'm here to help :hug:.

Why does he/she live rent free in your head? Any reason why you wish to project French kisses and skirts on new members?

Are you aware that this person probably lurks in the background shitting themselves with laughter at your insecurities?

Here to help princess!
Yeah, the last couple of Green Crack I pulled from the greenhouse were going the same way. The bud-rot was juuuuust starting on them, which is why I decided to pull them early. It's certainly pretty for photographs, but not good for harvesting.

You're such a softie letting the pooch sleep inside, but yeah, I get it. Ours sleep inside all year round & during winter, they all compete with each other for the prime spot on the bed in front of the wood heater.
You have done well this season regardless of a bit of mould, I pulled stumps on 15/4 was a master stroke as I left a few buds and pop corn on all plants outside.

A week later of rain and shite, and what was left was black and grey.

I’ve never been here for a pat on the back, more just to learn and share knowledge and experiences.
Yeah, some successes, some failures this year.

The Durban Poison I was hoping-for looked really good & got to over 6' before going into flower & then all turned hermie, so I cut them before they could cross-pollinate anything else. That was a really painful decision, but a good one in hindsight.

The stuff I had in my bush-plot were planted in mid-October, but the whole fucking lot turned to bud-rot very quickly a few weeks ago & they're abandoned.

'Got a fair bit out of the rest & still got things going inside & almost ready to harvest. Patience........

A LOT of lessons learned from this year & my cloning-game has definitely improved.
Yeah, the last couple of Green Crack I pulled from the greenhouse were going the same way. The bud-rot was juuuuust starting on them, which is why I decided to pull them early. It's certainly pretty for photographs, but not good for harvestin

Shit man, your whole grow was reggie. Every pic! Total fkn silage! Hell, I seen goats that would rather eat lantana than that crap.

Green Crack? HSO yeah? Why?
Yeah, some successes, some failures this year.

The Durban Poison I was hoping-for looked really good & got to over 6' before going into flower & then all turned hermie, so I cut them before they could cross-pollinate anything else. That was a really painful decision, but a good one in hindsight.

The stuff I had in my bush-plot were planted in mid-October, but the whole fucking lot turned to bud-rot very quickly a few weeks ago & they're abandoned.

'Got a fair bit out of the rest & still got things going inside & almost ready to harvest. Patience........

A LOT of lessons learned from this year & my cloning-game has definitely improved.
Where did u get the Durban from?

Don’t worry shit happens, I had a small green house I put up for seedlings only a cheap shit thing, had about 10 strains in marked pots getting ready togo into the ground. The whole thing blew over seedlings all got mixed up, managed to save them all but didn’t know what’s what?
So turns out I had one strain that started to flower early Jan was incredibly frosty and finished early really nice high intense smoke and I forgot to take cuts so it’s got me fucked what it is, I’ll definitely have more seed but will have to go back to square one and start again the joys of growing.
Haha! A bit difficult to tell boys from girls sometimes...

'Doesn't matter, they always appreciate you & repay you with reciprocal affection.