Aussie Growers Thread

After some advice.
Think ruby or some one on here put me onto NaturesWays caterpillar killer cpl years ago from memory I used it during flowering just wanted to get an updated opinion on it
Nice to see peoples outdoors finishing despite so much of the country in flood. Hope everyone's OK and haven't lost a house.
Really feel for those on the land or in the towns where they have lost everything. Fires, Covid, Floods... +
Not only is it a cool term, but so happy I am a sexagenarian, for I reckon I've experienced the best of this country, this era. Truly hope all here can say the same, despite the age.
After some advice.
Think ruby or some one on here put me onto NaturesWays caterpillar killer cpl years ago from memory I used it during flowering just wanted to get an updated opinion on it
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Good too go through flower mate I'm pretty sure it should also be used as abit of a preventive throughout the plants life cycle.. Atleast that's what I do anyway, few times throughout the growing period and then maybe once as they start flowering and once more halfway through.. Remember that it isn't a contact killer it actually requires eggs too be laid and catipillars too hatch and start eating before it does what it sais on the tin. Which from memory is basically starve the grubs even though they aren't full if you get me. As they eat it something with the fungus fucks with there stomachs and gives them what sounds like a horrible death! Which I don't mind since them cunts have caused more havoc on my crops than any other..

Whether it be by eating the buds and leaves or by ( I think this is mentioned a few comments up) after already fucking your shit up and having a good feed shitting in yobuds which in turn invites the rot and then by the time my slack arse notices a strange looking bud on one of the prized top colas and pokes around to find the cunt is full of grubs and shit or mold or both and then by the time you carefully assess the whole plant you end up cursing as those little fucking green grubs that are very hard to spot have cost you thousands! Beautiful butterflies? Pff fuck them things!
Tbh not all parts of the country has seen much rain, and quite the opposite with consistent sun! Now we are having this drop in temperatures suddenly thats hopefully gonna bring the colours out
Tis a big country for all of it to be in flood which is why i said "with so much of the country in flood". Fairly dry and cooling off down here as well but i do feel for those that have lost homes or are about to lose homes.

Im redoing my septic drain so i dont want rain for a couple weeks.
Tis a big country for all of it to be in flood which is why i said "with so much of the country in flood". Fairly dry and cooling off down here as well but i do feel for those that have lost homes or are about to lose homes.

Im redoing my septic drain so i dont want rain for a couple weeks.
We have had 3 floods over the summer maybe 100. Days of rain and clouds. Didn't see the sun for 80 days. Poor people in Lismore are homeless. It's Gunna be a ghost town in the main Street .
Good too go through flower mate I'm pretty sure it should also be used as abit of a preventive throughout the plants life cycle.. Atleast that's what I do anyway, few times throughout the growing period and then maybe once as they start flowering and once more halfway through.. Remember that it isn't a contact killer it actually requires eggs too be laid and catipillars too hatch and start eating before it does what it sais on the tin. Which from memory is basically starve the grubs even though they aren't full if you get me. As they eat it something with the fungus fucks with there stomachs and gives them what sounds like a horrible death! Which I don't mind since them cunts have caused more havoc on my crops than any other..

Whether it be by eating the buds and leaves or by ( I think this is mentioned a few comments up) after already fucking your shit up and having a good feed shitting in yobuds which in turn invites the rot and then by the time my slack arse notices a strange looking bud on one of the prized top colas and pokes around to find the cunt is full of grubs and shit or mold or both and then by the time you carefully assess the whole plant you end up cursing as those little fucking green grubs that are very hard to spot have cost you thousands! Beautiful butterflies? Pff fuck them things!
Oath fuk those things right the fuk off I'd feed them panadol if I new they would slowly swell up and explode there guts out their arses but starve to death will have to do for now.
Cheers for the right up anyway will give the plants a good soakin with it tonight.
Before I spotted the cats I found a small bit of rot on one bud but thought it might have been from the average weahter we have been gettin lately, ment to be good weather for the next week, bit of sun to dry out the excess moisture in the buds .