Hello to my fellow aussies!!
I've got a seed question for you all, I've gone through bonzaseeds when it was around, Barney, ilgm, msnl all with 100% success...this year i went with attitudeseeds for the top notch genetics i was keen as hell for, and low and behold it has been stuck at Melbourne ( inbound awaiting clearance) for like over 3 weeks!!! Have i been shafted?! 5 weeks in total so far and feeling like I've finally lost one

typically i heard lots of good things about attitude even from my local shops...but this one seems to have failed to deliver and yes they will reship but I'm waiting in hope so they don't send twice unless I'm definitely sure they are gone , is this 5 week time frame normal at the moment?! Sorry if this was not suppose to be posted here , but with all you guys experience surely someone can give me some helpful info and thanks