Aussie Growers Thread

mate i got shit loads of equipment just dont have enough room to grow large anymore if i had the same amount of room i use to have id be getting a few pound every two weeks
I cant help with whether or not you can plant seeds now, sorry. Can anyone shed any light on why this has occured? It looks like overwatering but the weird thing is that i have two plants and the one suffering is much bigger and healthier. Well it was. I know its hot in there but it has been since day 1. I gave them the same amount of water, about 500ml at Midday on Monday now ones gone all droopey but the smaller one seems fine. Is there a simple explanation?

Ok further to my post yesterday i woke this morning and its got a lot worse. I am not sure if i may be underwatering? I dont know the signs for that even after searching for a while. I weighed the pot yesterday and it was 2.65kg and now its 2.6kg. 50mls of water doesnt seem like much. Here is a pic from this morning.
Thanks for any help and sorry for being a bit worried its just i only have 2 and they are my first creations.


  • Next Morning.jpg
    Next Morning.jpg
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Ok further to my post yesterday i woke this morning and its got a lot worse. I am not sure if i may be underwatering? I dont know the signs for that even after searching for a while. I weighed the pot yesterday and it was 2.65kg and now its 2.6kg. 50mls of water doesnt seem like much. Here is a pic from this morning.
Thanks for any help and sorry for being a bit worried its just i only have 2 and they are my first creations.

Give it water Rock... You medium looks really dry... What are you growing in... It looks like you need some broken up rockwool in there or some vermiculite, something that's going to give you a little better water retention...:-)
Hey rocksteady,,,, I would give her sum water.... not heaps but enough for a decent run off.... if she doesnt perk up after that ,,,,maybe some ((a couple of drops)) hydrogen peroxide in her next water...? I just get that feeling looking at your photo....but try water 1st......good luck with that :leaf:
ok thanks jats and LG. At work now so will give it some water when I go home for lunch. LG my mix already has 20 percent vermiculite so has some water retention. I am baffled as I scratched at the top layer which I agree is dry and its still moist about an inch down. It doesn't have roots there though so that may be the reason. Anyway will let you know how it responds to more water.
too much water, droopy, not enough water - droopy lol

good luck :)

Ok just gave her about 400mls and about 30ml ran off out the bottom into the dish underneath. I hoped it didnt as that would have been a good indication it was underwatered. Lets see how she responds. Jats dont have any hydrogen peroxide. Bunnings or other???
Ok just gave her about 400mls and about 30ml ran off out the bottom into the dish underneath. I hoped it didnt as that would have been a good indication it was underwatered. Lets see how she responds. Jats dont have any hydrogen peroxide. Bunnings or other???

You can get it at a chemist too... Its also good for removing wax build up in your ears...:-)
if you're going to use hydrogen peroxide get the medical grade from the pharmacy, not over 3 percent. it only needs a couple of drops too.

and yeah, i use it on my older daughter's ears. half warm water half hydro peroxide and it feels like tiny little bubbles in your ear, weird but kinda cool lol
if you're going to use hydrogen peroxide get the medical grade from the pharmacy, not over 3 percent. it only needs a couple of drops too.

and yeah, i use it on my older daughter's ears. half warm water half hydro peroxide and it feels like tiny little bubbles in your ear, weird but kinda cool lol
Yes,,,lol :-) its the weirdest feeling, but I prefer it to ear candling, that feels
ear candling is kinda gross lol and it's nearly impossible to keep a six year old that still for that long when they have flame approaching their face

ugh i've decided it's time for a new job, this one is givin me the shits lol
ear candling is kinda gross lol and it's nearly impossible to keep a six year old that still for that long when they have flame approaching their face

ugh i've decided it's time for a new job, this one is givin me the shits lol
Become a :-) I have a little boy whose nearly six...:-)... Yes the whole Open Flame near face doesn't go over well..:-)
Melbourne peeps who want cheap 250W HPS bulbs.. Nunawading Bunnings has Philips Son-T 250W globes for sale for $2 each, noticed today when I went looking for irrigation bits. Looked like there were 20-50 of them on those tables that run accross the centre.

Your local Bunnings might have them on sale too if its a discontinued product at Bunnos.
And I presume you girls are talking about wicking the wax out of the ear with candles, and not just discussing ways to terrorize children?
So funny we are all discussing ear wax removal as i only bought a bottle of waxol, sadly for myself, last night. Got home and its got no peroxide in it so back to the chemist. The plants have not recovered from my earlier issue. I weighed the other pot and its about 2.3kg and the plant is healthy and the one i just gave more water to is now 2.85kg. :wall: I should have done the math. I just figured that as it was a bigger plant it would drink more. I am pretty sure now it was overwatering. Anyway of speeding up the evaporation/root uptake to get rid of excess water? That fucker aint getting any water for a looooonnnnnnnggggg time. This will be my last post of my plants in this thread and sorry for posting here i will do it in my journal from now on.


  • Shot of both after water and still droopy (800 x 600).jpg
    Shot of both after water and still droopy (800 x 600).jpg
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