Aussie Growers Thread

Hehe I just had to boast, poor as feck now! Was money spent when I was making enough to spend it, sure could use it in my bank now though.
ere ya are


Nice - looks like the other half could use a dip in some Nappy San though..
i know what ya mean Knickers!! i've been havin to watch it heaps over christmas and since, i dont like it - but i'm sure you've had yer money's worth of grand times with it!

i dont have any nappy san!!! does oxy action plus work? lol

let's all come to my house and smoke out and eat baked cheesecake and watch telly lol
Yeah anything like that brings em up sparkling.. If there r any spots that u cant reach with the toothbrush / couldnt b bothered then cover the opening and shake, shake, shake ;)

You want the mixture to be gritty.. Works best that way..
Hey ,,,soundz gr8,,,,,:blsmoke: but I need to be home by midnite to turn off 2 of my lights.....
I am having timer problems.... :wall:

still no sparky :(
I used to mix a bit of napisan with a few sprays of one of those stain removers and a bit of warm water and just shake the fuck out of it. Brings it up nice but make sure you rinse well or else its a funky first few cones.
Kmoo i'd be round, but it wouldn't feel right coz I don't have any smoke to bring! I've been smoking friends/family donations for a few days now.
I used to mix a bit of napisan with a few sprays of one of those stain removers and a bit of warm water and just shake the fuck out of it. Brings it up nice but make sure you rinse well or else its a funky first few cones.

I use Napisan Oxy-Action with Cold Power, in super hot water no less, lol it also keeps the brushes really clean... Washing powders now a days are so scientifically advanced that they isolate the crap and dissolve it, and its granulated, it also works great if you've been working on cars and are covered in grease, it removes all traces, dries your hands out but moisturize afterwards. Its pretty cool and it only takes a couple of minutes.. Its easily rinsed clean with cold water...:-) It smells nice too...:eyesmoke:
Anybdy have any suggestions on wat i can do with a 1/2kg log of frozen leaf & a bit of stem?
Sounds like you should make some Butter..
Grab one 250g block of high-fat butter n simmer on low.
That's the best ratio for any1 else who cares is pound of leaf to 250g of butter.
Cut it with isopropyl make some black sticky icky
make a double boiler and go nuts
my wife walked in on me once she screamed at me for making speed
I said it's ok honey it's just hash
but it wasent ok scraping that black goo from her fav microwave dish
Nah thats still a fair way off yet,just shit from past toppings n stuff.

Ninj ive made butter before with bud,wasn't that impressed,prolly didnt use enough bud.
Is it worth makin hash with it? Wat r sum simple hash methods (not bubble).

I wouldnt make Hash from it.. If making Hash from a low-grade product like Fan leaves from Veg and Stems etc then u will have a Heap of impurities and end up with a bucket of gump instead of hash.. But maybe it ud b good practice.

Sounds like u didnt put enough in ur butter or simmer it 4 long enough. I've made Butter b4 from so much Leaf (just Veg leaf) that the ppl who ate the Cookies (including myself) said it was worse than being on Acid. Some even threw up all the next morning and couldnt think right for 2 days.. & they r heavy smokers. I added about 5 kilos of leaf to the 1kg of Butter - which after simmering (proli 8 hrs in total) left me with 500g of killer mix.
I wouldnt make Hash from it.. If making Hash from a low-grade product like Fan leaves from Veg and Stems etc then u will have a Heap of impurities and end up with a bucket of gump instead of hash.. But maybe it ud b good practice.

Sounds like u didnt put enough in ur butter or simmer it 4 long enough.

Yeh thats wat im thinkin now,heres wat it looked like anyway.


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Hey guys sorry i hijack the thread , but ive just spend 3 months and 19 days in prison.

If you live in NSW and grow hydro , more then 5 plants and get caught .. expect jail time. I was charged with Enhanced indoor cultivation of marijuana ( larger then small and less then indictable quantity) 6 large plants 13 seedlings. It was taken to district court and it was only because of my clean criminal history that i was released after 3 months and 19 days.

I wasnt dealing, i was only growing. And they caught me, So as much as u never think u will get caught . always have it in the back of your mind and be prepared for the worst.

I wish i could still grow. But its impossible now. enjoy it while you still can.

Hey guys sorry i hijack the thread , but ive just spend 3 months and 19 days in prison.

If you live in NSW and grow hydro , more then 5 plants and get caught .. expect jail time. I was charged with Enhanced indoor cultivation of marijuana ( larger then small and less then indictable quantity) 6 large plants 13 seedlings. It was taken to district court and it was only because of my clean criminal history that i was released after 3 months and 19 days.

I wasnt dealing, i was only growing. And they caught me, So as much as u never think u will get caught . always have it in the back of your mind and be prepared for the worst.

I wish i could still grow. But its impossible now. enjoy it while you still can.


WTF???? How did this happen??? If you weren't dealing how did you get busted... ????
WTF???? How did this happen??? If you weren't dealing how did you get busted... ????

Basically i havent worked out exactly how i was busted , I used to get all my hydro gear delivered to work so that it wasnt anything suss. We used to get deliveries non stop.

One day i got some clay balls delivered and i found the package had been opened by someone at my work.

The police told me that i had been under investigation since early last year by the nsw crimes commision. Probably by assosciation with other known drug dealers. But i had nothing to do with dealing or other drugs. And i hadnt started growing till months after. They also said that the hydroponic store co-operated with them and gave a list of the items i had purchased which gave them more evidence.

I believe that the person at my work who opened the package dobbed me in , The police wouldnt tell me if it was by annonymous tip off. But you cant beleive a word they say anyway.

All i wanted to get through to you guys is that getting busted is a reality. And if you cultivate less then 5 plants including cuttings seedlings and mature plants. At least if you get caught u shouldnt be looking at a jail sentance unless you have a prior record.

I didnt think for a second that i would ever have a run in with the boys in blue.
And im not the sort of "criminal" they were looking for. They searched for money and bags and scales etc and found nothing. All of my finances were all accounted.

The other thing is , if your ever arrested for ANYTHING. Dont give a statement, That was my biggest mistake. I beleived that if i was honest and co operated i would do alright , I even corrected the cops on terminology etc. It just got me into more trouble. They argued in court that i had an "elaborate" setup and my knowledge of growing would produce more marijuana and better quality. So they valued my setup at $40,000.

Also clean up after yourself , I copped a possesion charge for several dead male plants in a plastic bag in my garbage bin. Which they valued at $1200 and they were old and rotting in the bag.

But yeah u really dont wanna go to jail , its a shit of a place. In short this is my advice for anyone who wants to grow.

1. Dont tell anyone , not your girlfriend , not your mum NO ONE!!!

2. Clean up after yourself , they will take anything leaf , stem , rotten plants. ANYTHING and charge you with possesion

3. Pay in cash and pick it up in person

4. IF you get caught , Say NOTHING!

5. Dont associate with anyone else who has skeletons in their closet , because if they are under investigation you will be too!!

6. When your arrested , dont take your phone. They will go through it and look for people.