Aussie Growers Thread


Active Member
Into my 5th week of veg and plants still quite small (look at thread to get size). Under Fluero is this natural? I mean i saw laceys thread and she only vegged for two weeks!!!!


Well-Known Member
Hi Skiz, yeah but I vegged for three weeks under 1000watts of light, it makes a big difference....Flouros are not very powerful although Rocksteady does Ok with his flouros, but yeah nothing will beat a HPS and I have two of the biggest...:-)


Active Member
Hi Skiz, yeah but I vegged for three weeks under 1000watts of light, it makes a big difference....Flouros are not very powerful although Rocksteady does Ok with his flouros, but yeah nothing will beat a HPS and I have two of the biggest...:-)
O so you want a "mine is bigger than yours" competition ay? -_-

Yer your grow was fucking amazing mate.

I know that the better lights will get better results, but after 5 weeks do you think im hurting them?


Well-Known Member
dude you are growing from seed. it is going to take longer than i would if you were starting with clones. i had a look at your grow and its all good. fluros just take longer.


Well-Known Member
Hey I clone and veg under them ( to keep the bill down )
but when I go for flower it's as big as I can fit hps
if I'm trying to grow fast it's a mh in veg and hps in flower
but I don't know what we are talking about I saw the last post and blah blah blah


Active Member
Ok sweet, thanks for that Eight.

hahahah always enjoy your posts Jimmy lol. SO i guess the power is really only REALLY benificial when in flower Jimmy?


Well-Known Member
no keeping your plants under hps /mh during veg is very beneficial ,you get tighter inter-nodes and healthier fuller plants


Well-Known Member
The bigger the plants in veg the bigger in flower. So if you want the biggest plants then go with MH for veg and Hps for flower. Also a 1000 watt will produce more than a 600 watt but will also have alot more heat.


Well-Known Member
if ya can go big with ya lights i would
i got a new hps 600 today ,that way i can run 3 600 across 4 plants in flower and take th 400 out and put in the veg area
i was using flouros for veg cause of heat but now its winter so the 400 will be in the veg room on 4 plants
and im rebuilding my clone box (if any one has seen good setups ,links or advice let me know)


Active Member
O right, so the higher intensity lights will actually produce not only a faster yield but more compact plant, got it now :)

Well hopefully 30th June i will be getting a new light, but i need to double check if the offer is still valid.

My plans for a grow tent (so i make the space smaller and thus control tempts better) will more than likely fall through this week and wont be able to do it for a few weeks. Hopefully the cool tempts wont fuck up the plant to much :(

Jimmy MORE lights? Fook dude for memory you have several KW of lighting as is?


Well-Known Member
not much here ninja. One of my white bubba's is on its first day flush. It will finish around 7 weeks the way it is looking. On the 5th week all trichomes were cloudy with a few clear still remaining.


Well-Known Member
A mate just got his harvest of Legends Ultimate Indica all finished up. There is a block of Hash in the top left corner..



Well-Known Member
LOL that is unfortunate when it looks so good. I am making Cannabutter right now in a crockpot so hopefully snack goodies tomorrow.
..Sorry dude, i've gone off Cannabutter for the moment - just recovered from a 24hr stone.. Had to go to work still with the whole 'time-lapse' effect happening.. Not great, lol. I tried just vegging out & eating all day, but it didnt work too well, stupid colleagues kept trying to have in-depth conversations with me & i couldnt even look at them, lol..
I slept 12 hrs last night.. I normally function just fine off 6hrs.. :eyesmoke: