Aussie Growers Thread

oh that sucks miyagi. but why the fuck are you up at 2am t check on the girls? i thought i had it tough getting up at 3:30 to do what i gotta do before work
I think I'm going to abandon the WW scrog, shift those two into the big tent and flower them out in there. I have a strong urge to put the VK in there and scrog her. It will be a 1mx1m scrog of vanilla, thanks again FIWH. Bloody decisions, decisions.
perphaps some more BIG ICE, mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm,

nothing like roasting a bowl wif fuck all to do, cept type in oversized letters and miss spelled shiit,

and anothe rrr look atz SATORI
Mate they are hiding from you, no shit. They all had a good laugh when you popped back up the other day :)
Well not just you but be sure they are in touch with who they WANT to be in touch with :)

fucken hallariuos arnt ya bro .....considering they've bn in touch with me, but clearly havn't posted on here for ages the people who started the group.....pmsl yeah buddy thats why i got several inboxes from them i was talking bout being on the aussie grow forum ....
fucken hallariuos arnt ya bro .....considering they've bn in touch with me, but clearly havn't posted on here for ages the people who started the group.....pmsl yeah buddy thats why i got several inboxes from them i was talking bout being on the aussie grow forum ....
Then that obviously means they WANT to be in touch with you:)
If they are in touch with you though, why are you asking us and not them where they are?

Also, you are not the only one here the old crew seem to dislike, just the only one mentioned by name. I'm not sure how popular I am with them most of the time but I am sort of in touch with some of them.
And I quote: "anyone ever read the riu aussie thread? sometimes i do for a good laugh, tbh there all dumb ass's hahah but the KING of all dumb ass's has shown his head again, terrance.jbatey haha the guy using his real name as his riu name.
hes been trying to tell them that if you graft a strain itll take the traits of the host plant haha. grumps your buddy called him out on it, he still thinks hes right tho"

And again: "I miss TJ (like fuck I do) and may just have to pay RIU a visit, although the Aussie thread there makes me grit my teeth and hide in shame ... they are an insult to the human race."
That was like a week ago, I wasn't going to say as believe it or not, I'm not nasty. I have left the poster's names off it as I don't wan't anymore issues there but enjoy the truth buddy.
are you girls gonna talk shit all day, about who's been here longer and where other some other fools is at,, or talk about weed,

hey man miagi, you my bro, n all,

but if this dude has cause all these arguments, and stirs up, debates like yesterday with the flowering clone issue we would all think its something for emergencies only, not something that could be tried out for better shorter plants,

im not saying im agreeing with everything TjB says, but till he's completely proved wrong on all accounts, im prepared to listen to his claims
Just the truth mate.
Here's some weed of mine...
That's the multi-graft mother after a massive haircut and tiedown and the mad as LED she's sitting under atm
id happilly talk weed if certain people would grow up..but evwery tym sum idiot has to make a remark period even without shit bn even after i let it lie said so that with said ... atm im too buisy blazn up sum hashish from white widow n mixn down sum beats .....and talkn to my people ....and i WILL PROVE IT IS POSSIBLE..not only possible (but methods being used by people atm as ive already said ill find the exact facts when i got a tik till then you'll have to wait ) but that'll take sum weeks untill i show the results i dont wanna hear jack shit on it o.k......untill such tym i have ...even got the info on how to sumwhere i jst gotta find it anyhow my ladies tym to b dry ice fogged (put into water then it fogs your room with co2) for they co2 so best get to it ..done....its that tym
the black star, will be making my hashish next month or so, havent set up the room im useing yet to well, it has ac tho, but just thought id do a run half arsed


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