Hi guys. I've been looking at local shops and nurseries for some decent all round organic like Gaia Green or Goguano, but after looking at a thousand organic fertilizers here, everything is devoid of P and K. Hundreds of 7-1-4, 3-1-2, 4-1-1and similar, but nothing with substantial P or K unless I go osmocote prills or salts. Our native plants are sensitive to P, so they limit it in most fertilizers. Its actually a selling point in most organics here "less than 1% phosphate for use on natives". Best I have found is 12-8-8 from Dr greenthumbs.
Mainly looking for ease of use. I have super phosphate (0-9-0-11), Potash (0-0-41-17) and microbe booster (4-1-1) here, would I be better off just messing around with these?