Aussie Outdoor 08/09


New Member
ok there can be a few variables in this one i checked the plant today haven't visited it in 10 days.
On the last visit i upped the P and K probably a bad decision (still in veg) and this has resulted in the lower fan leaves turning yellowish.
I added more N today hopefully that will fix it. The only other thing that could have done this was the heat wave we had in the last two days also i dont water as much i let the water storage crystals do the work.
Please help

Heres the pics, the plant is just over one meter tall
Use water crystals as back up, not to be relied upon for any extended period of time.

10 days between watering is too long. 4 or 5 days at the most, Less water means smaller plant, smaller yeild.

higher P and K is good from now onwards. dont forget plant need N too!

On really hot days (40oC +), 1 big water in morning, one at mid day and one in the evening.

Fertilise every 3-5 days, stop fertilising 3-4 weeks before expected harvest


Active Member
thanks for the advice ill try and visit more the most i can go is about every 3 days its a bit of a hike and i dont want to get caught going to my gg


Active Member

i'm just trying to work out when the best time to change from nutrients high in nitrogen to nutrients higher in P and K are? Do you have to wait for actual budding to form? or do you wait for pre flowers? or do you have to wait untill the days get shorter?

any help appreciated



Well-Known Member
id wait till actual flowers are showing outdoors.. cos then i know its really starting to change.. and the plant will want them nutes more.
i definately dont go by the days are getting shorter

not to long after the pistols show really... but thats me
its up to you just make sure you reckon the plants ready to want them more.


New Member

i'm just trying to work out when the best time to change from nutrients high in nitrogen to nutrients higher in P and K are? Do you have to wait for actual budding to form? or do you wait for pre flowers? or do you have to wait untill the days get shorter?

any help appreciated

start with the High P and K ferts now!


Well-Known Member
These 2 lucky ladies are the only ones that made it through the cut this yr (had to chuck 8 other seedlings due to sum probs,mostly fukin house inspections).
Theyve both showed themselves about a week ago to be female,the weird thing in the last pic is a little bonsai experiment im tryin out.



Well-Known Member
come on guys where yall been it Australia Day tommorrow

im here

just thought id say if your mate takes to long just grab a few cans and light a fire i the back yard in a drum or something for australia day wont look too suss... :) and you could use the remains which will be a bonus wouldnt it ....

just a thought....
and saves lighting the house fire in summer lol


Well-Known Member
yeah 2 birds 1 stick lol i need a home for both of them so there we have it:mrgreen::hump: thanks for the rep dude my plant started out doors but shit happened so she went in tent i had 2 tie her down lol


Well-Known Member
ill be the plants new home no probs lol :)

if i had a snake id be to scared it'd turn on me... id be the unluck fucker that dies... even from a non venomous snake ... it might like ma plant too much and strangle me while i sleep so it can keep it... or just bite me in the jugular if i ever get the guts to water it...

knowing my luck itd be the first ever venomous oner of the species.. all crossbread and shit... maybe the 70s had an effect on the animals too... all that bud to eat, smoke in the air and drugs and whatnot... whose to say a snake doesnt bight an animal thats eaten shrooms it in all the animals bodily fluids.... so this snake starts tripping and ends up fucking a highly poisonous baby snake...

ANSWER id be screwd

so yeah ill stop dribbling shit now... im purrdy cooked so yeah sorry about that but im not writing all that just ta look back and delete it lol


Well-Known Member
cept me like i said i can only grow 1 plant i dont wanna push my luck for a while :(

i have 6 strains it sux