Aussie Outdoor 09' 10'


I had a similar issue with the height too. I think in the end it was a combination of

1-not enough good quality light....i used cfl's to start them off with, the most powerfull ones i could get just couldnt cut it. the problem with not getting the right amount of light early on is that the plants usually stretch, grow too tall too fast and even though this is kind of repearable it still stresses the plant which slows growth and vigour.

2-settling into a fertilizer routine......its taken me 2 months of trying different stuff to settle on a combo of seasol seaweed concentrate and seasol powerfeed fish concentrate. both organic and finding they improve pest resistance, plant growth and vigour. Anyway the plants seem to love them and there both cheap from bunnings or most of the other ozzy garden centres.

3-starting with the best quality soil and additives you can afford.
If its one thing ive learnt from gettho gardening on a budget is if your gonna spend fuk all on everything at least buy good soil.

i use a mix of the stuff i can get my hands on, not always what is the best. Buy at least a good organic compost/soil and a bag of vermiculite to help the soil drain.

ive also tried mulching the tops of the pots with pine bark ($5 from buy-lo) and it seems to be helping the plant.

For this grow i am not using any forms of pest control chemicals. ive got a few praying mantis that have made their homes on my girls and there brilliant sentinals against the other insect pests. i think ladybugs also prey on the smaller aphids but leave the plant alone so once again id encourage them onto the plant rather than getting rid.

just thought id share some of this as it happens. I AM NOT AN EXPERT and maybe through some of my trial and errors i can share some info, otherwise all suggestions for my grow are welcom

peace growers


Active Member
this is my plant, 1st grow, not sure if its female though? i see little red hairs on it and its started to smell good. Not doing anything fancy just watering it every couple of days.



Well-Known Member
Well heres my outdoor. I'm worried shes the bad pheno from my last grow, I didnt label the clones well so I lost track, but she is looking pretty stretchy. She has had a hard life though so who knows :/Anyway, LSTd her today with green gardening wire. She was topped a while back, but hashad very uneven growth. Shes on full strength nutes now, and Ive instructed her caretaker to feed her every 2 days right now with half strength, and fill with full strength at least twice a week.

Worst thing is she is being eaten alive by an unknown. I'll post closeups of her leaves soon so hopefuly you can help, but its simply small holes in her leaves, not uniformly round, some are elongated ad merge into ach othr. No burning or rotting or similar round the holes. I checked her thoroughly but didnt spot any critters on her leaves. Whats common? And whats the cheapest all round solution?


Well-Known Member
Yeah the little slut loves it, cant wait to reap the rewards :D

What should expected harvest date be? Whats the best ways to force flower with our temps?


Hello all, started my first grow today. It's in a nice spot. Will post pics soon. I started 3 bag seed plants. I have some questions if anyone would like to help?

When should they start to bud? And is blood and bone good for my little babys? Also any tips would be appreciated.

Thanks guys.

Started this on the 27th April, with hardly any research, over watered, under about 20 Watts of CFL light.

Actually I had 4, and 2 were males.

Think I should harvest in about 6 weeks?


Great idea! growing through the summer in SA, Super Silver Haze, just a seedling atm.. will let you all know how it goes for whoever gives a shit!



Active Member
melbourne grower here! regarding onine ordering via,, and .... never had any probs and last time i ordered
from seedsman i got 50 free durban poison seeds that where there old stock apprently but most germinated fine! buydutchseeds have been really good too they ship there seeds
hidden in things like cd cases (got a free johnny cash album with em!) etc ... super stealth! have tried lowryder x ak47 and lowryder x white russian
both pretty good smoke considering time to grow (yield average 15-20g dry per/plant in soil mix) - good for a mid-winter indoor grow - dont need much space
planted here in end of november for my gorilla/summer grow but havent found a good location as yet - so the vege gardens got a bit of company for now...
lots of white fly n other pests this year though! using neem oil with OK results - keep up the good posts


It's good to see people on here give a shit!! All i ever wanted!! Will start putting up my super silver haze (seedling atm) soon, and photo's of my other crop soon too, (lowryder-ganja dwarf) which is a few weeks in. Will need and take all the help I can get, but don't like to think of myself as a n00b to the outdoor game! Peace fellow aussie outdoorists.:leaf:


Active Member
I havent posted in a while but plants are going sweet my kc brains double D is growing out of control and is drinking more than once a day(1st pic) and greenhouse seeds the church fem is ready to take clones it has just recovered from heat stress(2nd pic)not the best pic

I should really put the double d out in the bush I will soon


Hey all,
Im new to the forum and ill be starting my first ever grow soon and i kinda need some help. Ill be doing this outdoors and im not really sure what soils are recommended and if i need to be giving them some sort of nutrients as they grow. Also wondering if ill be needing some sort of insect repellent to keep them from eating the plants.
Im in WestAus by the way.


Well-Known Member
try to get a soil with some sand in it , it works well for drainage, and yes u should buy some nutes for your plant it wil grow some much better