Aussie outdoor giant trees 20 ft+

Hahahahaha fuck I love it here Hahahahaha classic people.

Wombats ,roos ,giant ,goannas ,Like 1.5 m long, koalas, snakes including both venemous and also python e.g. Aussie scrubb python (anaconda size) giant Fucking rats ridiculously large spiders and small ones too, you name it there all there had one of those giant Goanna's steal my bacon out of the frying pan and run up my plant, found out it lived in the hollowed out gum tree behind, I left it out scraps and fed it, over a week I got closer and closer till I fed it by hand, so not all the wildlife is out to kill you here just most haha
Hahahahaha fuck I love it here Hahahahaha classic people.

Wombats ,roos ,giant ,goannas ,Like 1.5 m long, koalas, snakes including both venemous and also python e.g. Aussie scrubb python (anaconda size) giant Fucking rats ridiculously large spiders and small ones too, you name it there all there had one of those giant Goanna's steal my bacon out of the frying pan and run up my plant, found out it lived in the hollowed out gum tree behind, I left it out scraps and fed it, over a week I got closer and closer till I fed it by hand, so not all the wildlife is out to kill you here just most haha
Lol aussie spider bite here check this out...2 weeks AFTER the bite i think this was white tip white tail eatever the prick was
would love to get them high as fuck but as i said up above backyard fucks me a bit but we will get there one day
You in Sa mate go guerila grow need good sativa seeds that grow up up up and don't top or tie down let the plant just go mate.

Gogo juice, seasol.
Searles 5 in1 all mixed into your hole with a kilo of fish, eggshells, burnt gumtree coals, bannana peels, apples, pears thats been composted .

Atleast 6 weeks before planting you have this hole ready with your composted crap and added Gogo juice and seasol(bunnings).

Pop in plant.

Foliar feed with seasol.

Even in flower don't spray your buds just under leaves not even on top with a very fine mist basically fuck all. As often as you can.
You in Sa mate go guerila grow need good sativa seeds that grow up up up and don't top or tie down let the plant just go mate.

Gogo juice, seasol.
Searles 5 in1 all mixed into your hole with a kilo of fish, eggshells, burnt gumtree coals, bannana peels, apples, pears thats been composted .

Atleast 6 weeks before planting you have this hole ready with your composted crap and added Gogo juice and seasol(bunnings).

Pop in plant.

Foliar feed with seasol.

Even in flower don't spray your buds just under leaves not even on top with a very fine mist basically fuck all. As often as you can.
I.use gogo fact i use 3 other neutrog brands as well
Dafuq l wrong with that?! Looks like maggots or infection for sure! !
it's called venom. that's not maggots silly. it's human tissue being dissolved by venom from a nasty lil spider. American Brown recluse can do that also.....what freak me out are Sydney funnelwebs...aggressive and will attack you if threatened......did I mention their fangs can pierce toenails easily? yeah I can see how knowing the Bush is important.
it's called venom. that's not maggots silly. it's human tissue being dissolved by venom from a nasty lil spider. American Brown recluse can do that also.....what freak me out are Sydney funnelwebs...aggressive and will attack you if threatened......did I mention their fangs can pierce toenails easily? yeah I can see how knowing the Bush is important.
Had the same from a box spring full of brown recluse babies
it's called venom. that's not maggots silly. it's human tissue being dissolved by venom from a nasty lil spider. American Brown recluse can do that also.....what freak me out are Sydney funnelwebs...aggressive and will attack you if threatened......did I mention their fangs can pierce toenails easily? yeah I can see how knowing the Bush is important.

There's all sorts of shit trying to kill you in the land of oz.

What freaks me is blue ringed octopuses' when rummaging around the rocks, stone fish and box jelly fish.