aussie outdoor guerilla grow 2013/14


Yeah we get the big cunts over here I actually caught one having a nibble on on through the day it was nearly as tall as me! I fixed it up a bit today I put two layers of wire around some of them and started laying tree vranches around them to stop them a bit. I dug up the area inside greenhouse and mixed in some horse shit and the organic pettets ill plant the seedlings I have left in about a weeks time.


Active Member
Im doing a guerilla grow down in aus the weather has been crap last few days I have 2 plants nearly ready to flower, 12 mid sized clones and a heap of seedlings starting late just some advice will post more pics and info when some people reply with questions and advice cheers
Just a pic of the 12 clones will upload some more pics of my mini greenhouse set up, my supercropping, lsting, topping and other plants ect just some advice and qustions, feel free to post about your grows on here aswell intreasted to see whats about :)
DO you germinate or put directly into soil ??


Well-Known Member
Wher abouts in oz are you? Im a few hours from sydney and all mine are a few weeks into flower now , some took a bit longer than others


Im in tas, the good thing about them not flowering yet is they will get bit bigger by the time they do, I germinate in a thurmus full of water I leave them in for about a day or two then when I check most of them have roots coming out and I chuck them in a seed raising mix, I lost about 50 seedlings to the paper towel method I somehow let it dry out lol hopefully these girls kick into action soon!


Well-Known Member
I reckon if you grow in soil, just put non germinated seeds in the wet soil and they should pop up in 4 or 5 days.

any updates? lets hope they start flowering soon otherwise they might not finish off properly.


Good and bad news.
Bad news is the kangaroos got into my crop big time. They demolished one of my best plants and about 5 of the others.
The good news is that some of my plants are starting to flower.
Does anyone have any ideas to get rid of the kangaroos?



Well-Known Member
plants looing good man, a male and female by the looks of it.

Shoot them? I wouldn't know how to deal with big ass roos, only the small wallabies we get over here.
Are you allowed to hunt kangaroos there? are they aggressive?. I do my own pest control with a silenced 22. at night.


I can only kill so many lol they are everywhere it would take me forever to kill them all lol. I built a fence but I will need to figure something out thats more stealthy for next year


Well-Known Member
True, I have no idea what it's like in Tasmania(tassie?). Good luck dealing with 2 meter tall bastards man, I'm glad we only have wallabies that're easier to deal with.
Your best bet is staking out 8ft poles and using some kind of netting tied back around the whole area unless it's open as with no trees around?.
Once they get a taste for ganja they will keep coming back with no remorse, possums are killer too. They can destroy 10ft plants easily.


Yeah man I put up about a 1metre fence around them hopefully that keeps them off my ladies. I just need to try find a bit stealthier way thats all


They give me the fucking shits man haha. I read somewhere to sprinkle pepper around stems and around perimiter but I havent tried it yet lol


Well-Known Member
Do they eat the plants? I'm sure a 6ft roo can easily eat over a 1m high fence or jump over it?.

Do they attack you or run away?.