Australia exports pedophiles.

So let me get this straight, you're at such a loss to defend your nation from what I'm dropping in this thread that you won't even try? Australia exports pedophiles bro. That isn't some out of context misquote, that is dozens of pages of google results and scientific studies describing Australia as pedo sanctuary.

Go ahead and say some shit about Mexico, but I'm not even Mexican. You are Australian though, are you even going to try to defend that?
So let me get this straight, you're at such a loss to defend your nation from what I'm dropping in this thread that you won't even try? Australia exports pedophiles bro. That isn't some out of context misquote, that is dozens of pages of google results and scientific studies describing Australia as pedo sanctuary.

Go ahead and say some shit about Mexico, but I'm not even Mexican. You are Australian though, are you even going to try to defend that?

You started this thread after I called you out for saying you think a 6 month old child was "far better looking" than her 22 year old mother. I rightly identified you as a pederast and promptly deleted you from my friends list.

This thread is about you trying to save face on the internet Juanita... I said what in needed to in post #172
This thread is about you trying to save face on the internet

Actually, this thread is a result of quite a bit of research and has absolutely nothing to do with you except the timing of when I dropped it. You pissed me off by that out of context quote that you put in your signature to parade it around the site calling me a pedo. You who happen to be an Australian, a country that exports more pedos than anything else it exports. Not about saving face, it's a serious fucking epidemic and there are a lot of Australians in Mexico too.
Indonesian commentator, Iqhbal Sukokiman says that “Australian paedophiles keep washing up on our shores and it is time to do something.” Perhaps, if the Australian government did more to stem the flow of Australian paedophiles to Indonesia, and Bali in particular, the Indonesian government might be more sympathetic to the Australian government’s position on the people-smugglers.

Not one single person has argued to dispute that Australia exports pedos. Plenty of out rage, but not one argument to contend with all these pages.
Actually, this thread is a result of quite a bit of research and has absolutely nothing to do with you except the timing of when I dropped it. You pissed me off by that out of context quote that you put in your signature to parade it around the site calling me a pedo.

This is a face saving thread for you and you've done no research. The only thing on display from you is hypocrisy and your sick, sick desires.

You who happen to be an Australian, a country that exports more pedos than anything else it exports.

You've given yourself away again...

Not about saving face, it's a serious fucking epidemic and there are a lot of Australians in Mexico too.

Then have Mexico arrest and imprison them, we don't want the pieces of shit. According to all the research they're actually more at home in mexico where the rule of law is non existent and paedophilia is legally and socially acceptable.

The fact YOU, a self confessed, ANARCHIST, is advocating government intervention is as oxymoronic as your belief system... Now run along and "play" with Pablo...
You admitted to being attracted to a 6 month old baby

No, I said that a women who had a 6 month old baby was still far more attractive than your favorite Australian model who had no recent pregnancy. You just cut a snip of that comment and turned it into a signature to parade it around the site and make people think that I said that. It was a really cheap tactic.

On the other hand, I have cited well over a hundred links, including scientific studies to back my claim that Australia exports pedophiles.