australia grow ....cheese and bigbud outdoor


Active Member
so this is my 10th grow ive just got some cheese and bigbud seeds from amsterdammarijuanaseedbank i have had the best weed from there seeds so thought i might venture out and get a new strain bored of white widdow and hindu kush ....its just hiting spring in australia and ive been digging my patch ready for my babys ... i plan to keep a male cheese and female just for seeds...i have dug 50 holes fertlized them just waiting for weather to pick up and seedlings to hit 1foot tall i will post pics wen i have everything in and growing ..
fellow aussie here, best of luck with this grow
weathers been very unusual in my parts for the past few weeks with temps hitting mid to high 20s everyday
its good news for my girls though :D
Good luck on the grow dude!
Cheese is a great way to replace the White Widow, even if it's a temporarily replacement.. ;)
Smoke on!
hey guys yeh i got a pic of my patch i have dug 50 holes 1 and half foot deep put chicken manure and some soil cause its mainly clay ... got my cheese and bigbud seeds and germing them as i speek ....ill take piks as i go so u guys can watch my grow unfold
wow thats quite a jungle you have available there
What is the light source in the picture though?
JRK the light is sunlight it's an opening in the forrest so I thought it would b perfect ..can't wait my seeds have cracked transfering them to soil can't wait to see how these babys take off
CULT101 yep mate i walked for ages until i hit an opening bout 5 meters away from i tiny creek wich is good cause i wont have to worry bout carrying water through the bush ...and its even better cause it get so dry where i live ....... im just getting so ecited for my babies to b big enough to put in the wild
hey guys i had the best grow last summer looking to do it again this summer but i wanted to see how my grow went in this location first it was a success but i didnt get enough time to look after them as much as i like there will deffinatly be some pictures cuming from this seasons grow