Australian outdoor coco dutch master nutrient grow


Well-Known Member
Hi everyone an Aussie grower here

I have been a member of this site for a while. And I think its time to finally do a journal. I have been an indoor and outdoor grower for many years. Things are starting to warm up here so I figured Its time to get started. I have recently moved house and indoor growing here is not really an option. So I am going to experiment and adapt my usual Indoor techniques to an outdoor situation just for fun.

Im going to use coco mixed with hydroton. Fed with Dutch Master nutrients and foliar fed with Dutch Master liquid light. There will also be some stem breaking of branches along the way I believe you guys call it supercropping. Seems brutal to some I normally do it to my indoor plants to space all the buds out. And create a nice even canopy of bud. also I believe it makes the plants stronger.

Seeds have popped up yesterday and had their first feed. They are in small pots to get them started. But will be transplanted into 50 litre pots when they are ready. No photos have been added yet as Im sure you have all seen freshly popped seedlings before. Im just posting now to gather some interest before it really gets underway.

Will update in a couple weeks when the fresh seedlings are actually something to look at.



Well-Known Member
Hey giantmo! good to see another aussie around :bigjoint:

sounds like you got everything ready to go, looking forward to it mate im subscribed


Well-Known Member
cheers mate!

I normally raise monsters so it will be interesting to see what happens with the coco and hydro nutes outside. Good luck with your current projects mate Im gonna try and stink out Adelaide


Well-Known Member
Picture 407.jpgPicture 413.jpg Ok It has been a while so a quick update first pic is the larger plant. I had two of these but when they were six inches high had a snail infestation and one got destroyed. Second pic is the replacement plant hence its smaller stature. Still a couple months left till flowering season and so far the weather has been shit here in South Australia. Overcast here nearly all season which is unusual waiting for the warmer stuff to arrive to give these guys the boost they need before flower time. Also waiting on some autoflower seeds to arrive to add to the mix just out of interests sake.


Well-Known Member
Bigger plant has just been transplanted into a 50 litre pot and topped. The second will be transplanted in a few weeks and also topped. Then stem breaking bending and training will commence.

Norcal Grower

Well-Known Member
Lookin good man. I'd love to follow an outdoor grow while its the middle of winter here in the states! I'm subscribed +rep


Well-Known Member
Picture 843.jpgPicture 842.jpgOk quick update training has commenced on the bigger plant. I transplanted bigger plant into a 50 litre pot about two weeks ago and also topped it. And I have let the branches grow out a bit. First pic is plant after all the branches have been pinched. Second pic us a closeup of a pinched branch. I do this by pinching the stems a couple nodes down from the tips until I feel a crack. Then i gently bend them over to space them out to recieve more light into the shoots coming off the branches. They will heal in a bent position in a day or two and grow a knuckle and the tips will start growing up again. This will be done a few more times during the next month or two of grow and a few weeks into flower. I believe this makes the plants stronger as well. And in my experience in the end helps promote more and bigger buds.

Will update when they have healed and growing again in a next week or so.



Well-Known Member
Picture 858.jpgPicture 857.jpg OK quick update still a month or so until flowering time. All fourteen branches have been pinched twice now and have healed and growing strong plant is bushing out nicely. We are just starting to get some warmer weather now so should grow big now in the next month. Also the plant already has a skunky odour as you approach it from a few metres away. Hurry up budding season im hungry.


Well-Known Member
Picture 986.jpgQuick update warmer weather has arrived starting to put on some size. This is the view from my bedroom window.


Well-Known Member
Picture 1000.jpgPicture 998.jpgquick update plant has now shown sex and is female. And is approximately seven and a half foot tall. I know this because I am seven foot and it is at least a half a foot taller than me. First pic is from bedroom window second is from in front of it. Still waiting for flowering to commence gonna be a beast


Well-Known Member
At the moment the outside temps are around 28 to 33 degrees celcius on average. Since the last pics it has grown again and I have tied it down. Will update soon hopefully flowers are on their way soon.


Well-Known Member
What kind of genetics are you dealing with?
The seed this plant was grown from was the result of last years grow. A large female sativa I had growing produced a few pollen sacks here and there. I picked them off and pollinated a single bud on my other plant. Which was a late planted tasty indica of some sort I had growing. Both smokes were tasty so it will be interesting for me to see what it produces.


Well-Known Member
damn i must of unsubscribed, i missed all these beautiful pics, ok im subscribed now lol :lol:
good work man those ladies are thriving, bring on the monster sized buds :hump: