It's cool that you got some plants that you truly enjoy and that work for you, but bro, its not forbidden fruit lol pacific seedbank is a white lable seed company bro, they buy bulk seedstock, package and lable that shit as something that's going to sell like forbidden fruit, gelato ect (insert rare cultivar name here) and people buy it up thinking they just got some sort of really slick deal on some rare hard to find genetics, when in reality its not even close to what you thought it was lol if you enjoy smoking it, that's great, but that doesnt make it "legit". I honestly find it crazy that anyone who posts on a cannabis forum buys anything from blimburn pacific seed bank gelato seeds crop king ilgm or any of the other white lable outfits who dont have an actual breeder at the helm... strain names dont mean quality or authenticity, it's the breeder behind the strain that counts