Auto AK + Skunk x BigBud ~3rd wk


Hey guys, welcome to my grow!

This is my first big toys grow. My last grow was in two rubbermaid totes with 8 CFLs of both types.

I originally started with 6 but due to a few set backs we're down to 3. 2 AKs and 1 SxBB. The SxBB is just spitting out the 7th node as we speak so I'm hoping to sex it soon. Due to height of the SxBB compared to the AK and node spacing I believe it's a female as well because the SxBB is only slightly taller and node spacing is also only very slightly further.

We're working with a 400 watt digital ballast, 400 watt Sylvania MH and a 400 watt Hortilux enchanced spectrum Super HPS in a small bubbleponic system. Lights run 20/4 for the AKs, once they're harvested I'm switching the lights to 12/12 for the SxBB (gonna be a fracken tree!). I'm not sure exactly on the age of these plants due stunting and set backs but I'm using week 3 nutes at 1/2 strength with no lockouts.

Plants look happy but a little droopy due to being wet but I peroxide them during their flush days and occasionally spritz them at night with peroxide as well.

Stay tuned for growth updates and the final weigh in to my first real grow!



Little more info. This is a closet grow, but my closet is hugeafuckabig so expect awesome shit from me later on.

Heres a picture of the exhaust. Through the wall and into the next room into a cabinet with the door open a crack. Put an air freshener globe in the hole, room smells like sour tropical goodness:weed:



I'd love to have feedback guys, feel free to post!

Little update, turns out the drooping was a mild nute lock out, switched to fresh water with 1/2 teaspoon of epsom, came home 5 hours later and the house wreaked of skunk! I can't keep the door open at all to the next room or the whole house smells.

I'm going to invest in some hardware to seal the other room better this pay.