Auto AK47: Large Phenotype


Hey Hulkster, I'll get that info to you, along with a bud shot, in the coming days. Pretty retarded I didn't post the height in a thread about size differences! I can't think of it off the top of my head.

Just out of curiosity, why do you all prefer the large phenotype? I would think that instead of attempting to replicate it you would just prefer to grow the real AK47. Maybe the ease of having a constant 18/6 or 20/4 light regime so that you can grow whenever you want to start some more? No biases, I just find it interesting. I grow these for there short, stout size. If I wanted a monster, I think I would get Serious Seeds AK and just go hog wild. Plus, you'd save some money on electrical bills when it came time to flower on 12/12.
you can grow a sativa dominant strain in northern latitudes and it will finish with trichomes 50/50 in time, and still give decent yeild. also, you can harvest several times a summer.