Auto Climax + Breeding


Well-Known Member
okay i am all caught up so i can talk almost in real time now. thank you for having me and great growing. I like. I am doing a huge grow coming up some plants will have a 4 month veg most will have 2 months while i do my auto's in round 2 in sig.
3 month veg for me
this should be interesting i culled all the fast growing ones and kept the slow growing heavy sativa's i have a feeling ill have some monsters after flip
been transplanting for the last hour or so
they got about a gallon more of my patented " ten minute soil "
id list the ingredients but its super secret o_O


Well-Known Member
rosey soon girl you will be growing again. I got your back girl. I am not sure what i can say here so i wont. Can you give lights here or not??? let me know so i know what can we say on sharing giving and what can we not say????


Well-Known Member
rosey soon girl you will be growing again. I got your back girl. I am not sure what i can say here so i wont. Can you give lights here or not??? let me know so i know what can we say on sharing giving and what can we not say????
I don't think we can share or give anything DC...better keep that to email


Well-Known Member
i dont think lights would be an issue beans on the other hand
or giving something away in trade for advertising / plugging
and of course no sale of any item
but i dont think a gift of hardware between friends could be considered any of those


Well-Known Member
i get the auto's out of the way i should have plenty of room
:roll: but the photo's mom was almost a 3 month flower so im sure ill have space issues once again
but at the same time i should get a little play in flower time pheno to pheno so i may get some out of the way sooner then others
ohh and i have 3 confirmed males in the indoor batch and 8 outside
and 2 more i believe will show male inside
so i think i can pull a stud out of those
i have one picked out but it may change in the next few weeks
and probably will try more then one out but alot of them look female but only one is showing tight nodes , bushy body and a twilight vampire " shimmer " :D


Well-Known Member
okay cool ty all. So i am giving my led and 2 hanging led's to rose so she can have lights to grow 1 plant. I will send in 4-5 weeks maybe sooner if i finish buying all i need to get ready for 40 plants. i know the beg photo's will be cramp but will leave enough room for the 10 auto's i might have to do just 6-8 auto's this run. Space fills real fast with big pots.. Rosey i hope i can send in 2 weeks i will move you up on my send list. Its about helping not about receiving. i have received more than my share. pay it forward all. If i cant say that please mods let me know. i dont want to cause waves or trouble for riu. this is my first site and i still love it.


Well-Known Member
tek bro vn looking grow. i like it. I lost a friend "Woody" we called him. he was popped and they took his meds. 3 weeks later he went to 2 diff hospitals trying to see what was going on. turns out spinal manengenitis. his week was keeping it at bay for a long time. when you couldnt smoke 10 times a day or so the illness took over. We have a goodbye at our local watering hole for him next saturday. It will be a day for him. Woody we miss you bro. See you in the garden bro.


Well-Known Member
5.5' - 2'( bucket ) - 1.5' (filter and light) - 12" (for burn off for light )
you really have like 2' to grow in really
Yea. It sucks. I don't have much vertical grow room.
you gonna run the kc x haze ? o_O :D
At some point. I'll more than likely throw some in when we move and I have more space for everything. Not sure what is going to happen after this grow yet.


Well-Known Member
tek bro vn looking grow. i like it. I lost a friend "Woody" we called him. he was popped and they took his meds. 3 weeks later he went to 2 diff hospitals trying to see what was going on. turns out spinal manengenitis. his week was keeping it at bay for a long time. when you couldnt smoke 10 times a day or so the illness took over. We have a goodbye at our local watering hole for him next saturday. It will be a day for him. Woody we miss you bro. See you in the garden bro.
Sorry about your loss bro.


Well-Known Member
Wait!! This IS the auto climax thread...ISNT IT? o_O
Well it used to be at one point. Technically still is since its in the title. LoL
I keep trying to change my sig to work along side the journal. Not working so well. I just don't want to create a whole bunch of different threads.
Should have named it better.