Auto Climax + Breeding


Well-Known Member
im done with soil after i can cut some clones
going back to my coco blend FUCK soil
ive had nothing but problems from fucktards SUPER SOIL <~~~~~~~ fuck that shit
waste of time and money
I hear ya. I'll be running hydro along side of this new thing I'm gonna try. May end up going back to complete hydro myself.


Well-Known Member
one jdp and one unreleased didnt make it
then i planted the other two jdp's i had and and the other UR's
and knocked one of the jdp's over so i had to scoop up the seed starter and put it in a thin layer in a drip tray and watered it hoping the little bean pops its head up
i know its in there somewhere cause i found it and picked it up then dropped it back in the tray on accident and never found it again :(


Well-Known Member
none of my shit is growing right so slow
dries out so fast compared to coco
100 bucks in peat down the drain im gonna use the shit on my outside plants
have a nice little spot picked out


Well-Known Member
ya thats why i lost the first 2 had a baby shower going and people staying over
missed the window to help them along


Well-Known Member
If you want I can tell you which brand I have and you can order it from amazon.. Up to you.. Cool thing about cs is you can convert any branch of your choosing and isolate it and get pollen from it. I should have time for mine to convert, we will see.. I wont be mad if it doesn't since I just randomly decided to do it.

More pics:
First is of the little branch I'm spraying. :wink:
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They're not really that yellow. I used my light cover I made and you get a better idea of the color of the leaves. So not as yellow, but more than I like.

Edit: Here is the CS:

You can get a lower ppm. I started with 50ppm.
Yeah that's great I can get from amazon. Much better. I guess I topped 2 auto plants lol forgot. Neither one care1402541571109.jpgd so far. A pic of the purple one also1402541548678.jpg

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