auto diesel ryder

So... I started two projects around the same time. 2 carmelicious and 4 auto diesel ryder... I planted my diesel ryders 12 days ago, after germinating them for 3 days. They are out and have sprouted their first set of leaves. But don't seem to be growing anymore... I'm not to sure if its normal... I have them under 2 26watt cfls... any advice would be great... pictures soon:-o


Well-Known Member
ok 2 26 watt cfls, not even close to being enough for 6 plants, but for now you MIGHT be ok if they are just some small little seedlings. but soon and i mean very soon, you will need at least 10 more to keep this growing decent. and what type of cfls are you using? you should be using mostly daylight blue spectrum cfls for veg, maybe one or two softwhite red spectrum cfls. when you notice they start preflowering they are ready to go under mostly softwhite bulbs and one or two, maybe 3 in the last stages of flowering daylight cfls.
the rule of thumb is 100 watts per plant, but since you are using cfls i would suggest at LEAST 3 bulbs per plant, or 4 if its condusive, also make sure they are on their side (the bulbs i mean) rather than shooting straight down to get maximum light out of each bulb UNLESS you have them at a low level hitting the lower bud sites, then they would be fine shooting straight down, the bulbs on top should be at an angle though, hope this helps, good luck...


Well-Known Member
DOes aNy 1 know if I can keep these under my cfl's 24hrs instead of 20/4???
yes of course you can, see people dont realize that any plant that gets sun, its energizing it, when night falls it just uses the resources that it is not able to get during the day, like solar powered lights, same deal. if its under 24 hours of light it is supercharged and wont run off "batteries" but personally, i like to set my lights on 18/6, but if you dont have a timer right now and all u can do is leave the light on that is totally fine, but eventually if you want your plant to flower, you WILL need a timer to set the lights up 12/12