Auto Dwarfs??


Wha kind of nutes should be used with Auto Dwarfs? Should I use any veg nutes or jus bloom? an how can I get the max yield outta em?? :confused:


Well-Known Member
I would like to know too. i'm growing Blue Himalaya autos.
(Blueberry x Auto Kush) x NYC Diesel


Active Member
ya seriously nobody?
i'm sure you can use any nutes you chose. also depends if your in soil or hydro, I'm using earth juice because its organic. I think the question should be when to apply nutes because their life cycle is so short.:eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
Wish I could help with some personal experience but Ive never grown any auto strains, if your in good soil you really shouldnt need any sort of grow nutes, maybe one dose but it seems they start flowering within the first 20days or so. Ive got 10 fem auto aks in the mail so Im gonna give them a run, just to see how these plants work out. I saw some real good results with biobizz veg&bloom, blackstrap molasses and topamax for the last couple weeks, dude was getting close to 100g dry weight from these auto ak's, atleast according to the journal. Now I probably just gonna use my usual foxfarms or dynagrow line up but I'll be adding in the molasses after about 4 wks, 1tsp per gallon every watering, maybe experiment with different brands or ratios just to see what works best for me. Wish you the best of luck, peace


New Member
Here is my 0 experience advice (again, I have no experience)

If you are growing in soil, that should have enough veg nutes for the first 30 days (FFOF does, that seems to be the soil of choice for many learners like myself). So start feeding it bloom nutes at the first sign of flowering (or slightly before, if you know how long it will take to show flowers on average). I don't think any plant, even a ruderalis, would want any nutes for the first 3 weeks or so. After that, start at 1/4 - 1/2 strength bloom nutes and work up as things progress.

Veg nutes = High N, lower P and K
Bloom nutes = low N, High P and more K

Please, someone with experience tell this grower what to do if this is not right.

Good luck! Hope this helps


Well-Known Member
#1 Grow in Organic Soil
#2 Make sure it's Fox Farm Ocean Forest

Its got all your nutes and came be used for seeds 2 weed (like autos')

It's what i do and they seem to like it,
hope this info. helps - it sure helped my babies
you can check my sig. all those bitches are grown in organic
They are all dwarfs, some being auto-flower and they others forced
with 12/12 from seed.

Happy dwarf growing


well i thank everyone still getting mixed advice... :( but oh well we havent started waiting on payday to order them... if any1 with experiance knows about any of this ples comment!!!!!!!!!!11


Well-Known Member
well i thank everyone still getting mixed advice... :( but oh well we havent started waiting on payday to order them... if any1 with experiance knows about any of this ples comment!!!!!!!!!!11
I grow autos. My first batch went well....NO NUTES at all, throughout the 60-65 day miracle grow.
Second grow, same but added nutes in recommended doses....all died or stunted badly with poor yeild.....third grow: fox farms of.....water only....doing great so far!

SOOOOOOO....I'd definitely use first nutes mix on a crash dummy..... autos really have small yeilds so you're not gonna beef'em up very much and you run the risk of reducing yeilds if you mess with'em much. Yeild will increase with more light.