Auto EasyRyder... Most basic set-up..


Well-Known Member
yeah you should be able to give her a lil nutes. try 1/4 dose or less and

see how see does.. the yellowing dont look to bad, looks like its cal/mag.

the nutes you give her should have anuff for now. but i whould get some

cal/mag to add to the water for later. cause they eat that shit up.:leaf:
Is it okay to give black strap molasses in place or is cal/mag good to get?

I also heard that gardening lime has cal and mag in it as well. I have this$Ntt=lime$y=0$x=0 . If I can use that, how much should I use?


Well-Known Member
Okay I have a question about nutrients and shit. It says with the nutes I got to mix about 1/2 teaspoon into a gallon of water for indoor plants. So I use a fourth of that and put it in the gallon of water. How much of that gallon do i use? Enough for a 10% run-off? Is that the same with molasses?


Well-Known Member
im not sure about molasses, i know it has carbs/sugers. i just use a cal/mag add for

hydro. lime will work but it can burn your plants if your not carefull..yeah use 1/4

dose first.. 10% run off is enough.. what brand of nutes are you useing??


Well-Known Member
ph was about 6.5-6.8. My meter said fertility was too little though. Camera is poopy. Won't be able to get a good pic. But it is only the clover leaves on the bottom. The ones that first open up. They are like yellow on the underside and yellow in middle. outside is a light green.
It is normal for the cotyledons (clover like leaves) to die off at this stage as they have done thier job and are no longer needed

nute meters are crap and you should not depend on it or trust it, same goes for the soil ph meters you stick in the dirt

Your looking good so far keep it up



Well-Known Member
seriously!!!! when I buy nutes I buy enough for maybe a year which are liter advice get everything up front & a good amount, that way you dont run out in the middle of a grow...UNLESS you got a shop near by...JMO! peace


Well-Known Member
Okay we will see! But just looked at her recently, the next set of leaves after the cotyledons look light green at the end. With a few tiny brown spots... Ill post pics soon. I need to fix it haha

Covert Ops

Well-Known Member
Alryt man, you grow is lookin gud so far! i hav an autoflower on the go a few days behind yours. "sweet dwarf" by advanced seeds.

The yellowing/browning could possibly be heat...wot temps u got round ure plant? and a small fan blowing the leaves is good.

You showin any pistils yet?

P.S I like how the 'basic setup' has now turned into lots of lights and nutes and ferts =P


Well-Known Member
Alryt man, you grow is lookin gud so far! i hav an autoflower on the go a few days behind yours. "sweet dwarf" by advanced seeds.

The yellowing/browning could possibly be heat...wot temps u got round ure plant? and a small fan blowing the leaves is good.

You showin any pistils yet?

P.S I like how the 'basic setup' has now turned into lots of lights and nutes and ferts =P
Hey now! :p But I realized the 35w CFLs aren't doing much. I feel like I need more light... But just a first grow. Need more money haha. Yes they are showing pistils now. White little things i noticed them last night. Lookin sweeett! But I wish it was a taller plant. :( Do they still get taller into flowering?