Auto EasyRyder... Most basic set-up..

Alright so I mixed about a little less than half teaspoon of eye was with the gal of water. Foliar sprayed it... It seems that more leaves got "burnt" and bronzed. However, the new growth coming out of the shoot looked okay to me and all green! So I hope that is a good sign. What shall I do with all the burnt parts of the leaves? Should I just leave em? Or can trimming them be okay?
Alright so I mixed about a little less than half teaspoon of eye was with the gal of water. Foliar sprayed it... It seems that more leaves got "burnt" and bronzed. However, the new growth coming out of the shoot looked okay to me and all green! So I hope that is a good sign. What shall I do with all the burnt parts of the leaves? Should I just leave em? Or can trimming them be okay?

It is a mistake to throw more stuff at a sick plant, that being said, let the plant drop the leaves on it's own
wasn't hatin on ya, just pointing out bad info, people think that because they can't "see" light getting thru that it isn't but plants don't see light the way we do and if it is the proper spectrum for plants it gets thru the leaves, not only that but it has been proven that shade leaves are more productive for the plant, I have apost about it in one of my threads

Oh ok that makes since.

haha he is right! My shade leaves dont have any browning or anything. But just an update! It is starting to produce some trichomes! :) Smells good too!
It seems different people have had varying results with MG I used MG soil and two different kinds of MG nutes and my plants are a healthy bushy green I think a lot of times the reason some plants die are other reasons related to care, because MG didn't kill my plants even when I used the soil and nutes from the seedling stage.
Hey everyone! Sorry it has been so long since I have updated my journal. I have been very busy with work and other things that it has been hard to find time to put new pics up. But I am finally able to! I believe this is day 47! They are showing trichs! And it stinks! But thats good right?! :hump:

P.S- All the bud spots look like this! I guess I didn't kill it! :) And it seems all the leaves that got bronzed or burnt leaves are not getting worse! :D


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Alright its about day 53/54. Recently put a couple carbon filters to take away that stank! Holy crap! Never thought it would stink that much! :o Crystals are pourin on and I need to get a jewelers loupe or something. So i can figure out when they are ready or not. Not really huge difference from last pics so no new ones. Will be posting some soon though.
hope that burning cleared up bro lol almost made me cry when i saw that it was that bad i never had more than the very tips burn on me but damn lol get that fixed ? remember less nutes is better than more haha good growin bro keep it up
Oh yeah man im scribed in i've been hear for a lil while and im learning alot so from one newbie to another keep up tha good work =)
Haha thanks man! Yeah honestly, it really is amazing to see what one little seed can turn into over the course of 2 months. Ive learned so much from everyone here on this site. If you are unsure about something, ask before you do it! Big lesson learned!

P.S- It is really stinking bad in my room. But since i only have one plant, would ONA gel be okay?
I use ona gel to take care of the smell that my carbon filter can't handle. It works great, but you need to mix it every few days in the beginning and about everyday after half of it has evaporated. I just put the lid on it and give it a couple light swirls. I wouldn't stir it up with anything though because it will stick to the stirrer and you will waste it that much faster. It will take care of any odor problems you are having in a small grow space though and I highly recommend using it.
Here are some pics!


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