Auto flower outdoor

How are your temps and humidity in your space doing? Light is important but just one small piece of the pie in keeping them healthy. When you have some time look up some information on VPD and how it relates to cannabis plant health and pest mitigation. It's great information to know and will help you understand the role temps and humidity play in how the plant takes up water and nutrients.
How are your temps and humidity in your space doing? Light is important but just one small piece of the pie in keeping them healthy. When you have some time look up some information on VPD and how it relates to cannabis plant health and pest mitigation. It's great information to know and will help you understand the role temps and humidity play in how the plant takes up water and nutrients.

Well funny you mention that, the temp = 21 C / 69.8 F and humidity = 62%
I entirely did mine my ways people probably don't recommend, could be the climate and varieties.

Duckfoot autos, og Kush auto, seedsman.

Ordered around April 1, wanting them to arrive on a special day.

Didn't really know what I was doing, I tried this once decades ago, I grew a male.

I did a little reading, not a lot.

I figured frost would be done here zone 7b

Got them around the 10th or so, started them in an egg carton with miracle grow potting soil, I'd heard not to use miracle grow but I figured the soil would be good.

I threw in egg shells and coffee grounds and some red clay dirt that I know has bentonite in it as they grew topping off the potting soil and creating a kind of layer of slow filtering red clay that kind of protected the roots too.

(Trick I learnt with my tomatoes)

And around the same time I got my first ripe tomatoes I also had well everything I needed for homemade pizza.

And I ended up getting experimental too, I made one with the little local wild blackberries and spam.


They kinda smelled like kratom, then I learned it was chlorophyll.

They smoked good though, I alternated between hanging them on the clothes line too the laundry room, went with the mason jar drycure and.

Well I'm writing this ain't I. ✨
I entirely did mine my ways people probably don't recommend, could be the climate and varieties.

Duckfoot autos, og Kush auto, seedsman.

Ordered around April 1, wanting them to arrive on a special day.

Didn't really know what I was doing, I tried this once decades ago, I grew a male.

I did a little reading, not a lot.

I figured frost would be done here zone 7b

Got them around the 10th or so, started them in an egg carton with miracle grow potting soil, I'd heard not to use miracle grow but I figured the soil would be good.

I threw in egg shells and coffee grounds and some red clay dirt that I know has bentonite in it as they grew topping off the potting soil and creating a kind of layer of slow filtering red clay that kind of protected the roots too.

(Trick I learnt with my tomatoes)

And around the same time I got my first ripe tomatoes I also had well everything I needed for homemade pizza.

And I ended up getting experimental too, I made one with the little local wild blackberries and spam.


They kinda smelled like kratom, then I learned it was chlorophyll.

They smoked good though, I alternated between hanging them on the clothes line too the laundry room, went with the mason jar drycure and.

Well I'm writing this ain't I. ✨
Welcome to Riu ,now go smoke up :shock:
Well funny you mention that, the temp = 21 C / 69.8 F and humidity = 62%
See if you can work on getting your temps up some. LEDs work better in the upper 70s and even low 80s F. Here's a link to a good VPD chart where you can plug in your temp and humidity and it will give you the VPD number. Since I'm guessing you don't have an infrared temperature gun to measure the leaf surface temperature you can use a best guestimate of anywhere from 2.5-4 degrees F. It looks pretty low right now because of the temps being so low. You could bring it inline more by dropping the humidity a little but raising the temps is the direction you really need to go in since you're using LEDs and the temps really are quite low for them. It's nothing critical as far as the plant dying, it's just a way to get the plant to it's most healthy, fast growing state.
See if you can work on getting your temps up some. LEDs work better in the upper 70s and even low 80s F. Here's a link to a good VPD chart where you can plug in your temp and humidity and it will give you the VPD number. Since I'm guessing you don't have an infrared temperature gun to measure the leaf surface temperature you can use a best guestimate of anywhere from 2.5-4 degrees F. It looks pretty low right now because of the temps being so low. You could bring it inline more by dropping the humidity a little but raising the temps is the direction you really need to go in since you're using LEDs and the temps really are quite low for them. It's nothing critical as far as the plant dying, it's just a way to get the plant to it's most healthy, fast growing state.

Keep in mind I am only growing them out / veging then they are going outside and being replanted in soil I made a full size garden for all of them to grow and spread out, no pots no SFA, straight into the ground.
I also roto tilled the garden and added plenty of bales of #4 sunshine mix ;) / more topsoil / garden soil / a few bags of sand for drainage as the earth underneath was a bit clay like and also added earth worm castings and egg shells. ( I have about a 5 gallon pail of egg shells to use up this year :) )

Problem is the ground is so damn wet I cant even get out there as it is all mud right now
Is that going to be a problem during your growing season or just a seasonal thing? We get bad rains in the spring and runoff from the mountains turns part of my property into a swamp but it's only seasonal.
Is that going to be a problem during your growing season or just a seasonal thing? We get bad rains in the spring and runoff from the mountains turns part of my property into a swamp but it's only seasonal.

No it's this year it has been raining so bloody much IDK WTF to say, not normal, last year it was too dry.

Update: We plugged the little ones into the ground and I gave it a shot of food plenty of earth worm castings around base and plenty of egg shells to keep away slugs and add calcium & minerals to the soil.
Fenced off to keep the f'in deer out. and voila that is all I have for now, going to check them on weekend and see how they are doing (@ more rains between now and then and one to last 9 hours......)
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Well they are growing on the wild side as I have not been able to get to them for almost a week and a half but *** Enter drum roll*** I have gone to local grow shop and buddy got me hooked on using Gaia green all purpose for the veg stage and bloom soon I am sure..... Hope to have some pics this week and an update.
Well they seem to be doing great, the amount of rain they keep getting seems to keep me from doing any watering and now I see flowers starting, funny how auto flower goes. Never planted autos

So things is going in right direction ... or so it seems. I have been using Gaia green grow and now I have added bloom to it also (powder form) as they just started to flower


With any luck I can add some new photos tomorrow as I have not seen WTF they are doing for about a week now.
here is this weekends new photos, it looks like the first 2 rows are going flower power already nicely.. I am not sure is this going to be one stupid kola or are more going to grow off this thing? Unsure, anyone have any input would be appreciated.

Hi everyone,

Hoping someone can tell me if I got this right or what I should do as far as auto flower planting for outdoor.

I was going to germinate seeds grow in dome / soil medium about 4-5 weeks prior to planting them outside as recommended by others.

My question is: I was told that auto flowers do not like being replanted so go from grow dome into ground no in between to larger pots etc. - Is that true or does anyone have any pointers for this.

Please and thank you in advance.
Yeah, I had the same questions early. But then I got a couple of 4 inch Pete pots and I germinated my seeds,planted them in the pots, and when they broke through the surface I’d cut off the bottom of the Pete pots this way I didn’t disturb anything. they went into a 3 gallon bags and everything was fine. Don’t over water! Until the plant is showing moderate growth keep water to a min. The medium should be the same when you do this. Wet down the bags a day or two before you operate. Then for the first few days just a absolute minimum water.
here is this weekends new photos, it looks like the first 2 rows are going flower power already nicely.. I am not sure is this going to be one stupid kola or are more going to grow off this thing? Unsure, anyone have any input would be appreciated.

Those two flowering won´t grow much anymore, the other ones will.
So a little update with pics (mostly pics).... LOL

Please let me know if I should be doing anything other then watching and trimming maybe...
