AUTO FLOWER POWER - Various Strains - From Pic n Mix Seeds


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Hello people , Thank you for viewing - Please subscribe & Keep Checking This Thread I'll be Updating on a Daily basis ... I have been Growing a Blue Cheese plant Regular( Bagseed )

I am now Germinating 1 x Speedy Gonzales & I have These strains for Future grows -
1 x Himalaya Blue Diesel
1 x Short Rider
1 x Jet 47

+ 1 x Auto Hindu Kush ( seed )
1 x Auto White Moscow ( seed ) Theses strains are in the post ; ] ...:weed::weed::weed::leaf::leaf::weed::weed::weed:...

I'd Like to Say Thank you to Any1 That was viewing my Old Thread -

Please , Keep Viewing , Keep Posting & I'll Keep Updating ...

Much appreciation : ] kiss-ass

Time : bongsmilie
Smoke : :leaf:

;] :weed::weed::weed::weed::peace::peace::peace::weed::weed::weed::weed:


Active Member
Today : 21/1/11 , Time 20:45 pm

I am Going to show you My grow Box & The Plant I've been growing for about a month ( 36 days ; ] )

The strain : Blue Cheese

Soil : Best I could get ;] ( Advised by many people ) - Fox Farm

Perlite : no ( I haven't been able to Get any yet )

LST : I have tied the plant down 4-5 times ( eventually the plant will grow in a full circle )

I can see 100 % Signs of female characteristics , I can only see the top of 2 tiny hairs forming out of a tiny Calyx ... I'll take a Photo When There fully formed ; ]

I have been Germinating 1 x Speedy Gonzales for 24 hours now - 12 more & I should see a root .. ( I try not to get any light to the seed when checking but It's hard not to sometimes ) : /




Active Member
This Is my LED Grow Light ( 45w )

I have recently Cut a hole In the top of the box & fit the LED light quite nicely : ]
The light Is now a decent length away from the plant & the spectrum of the light will be spread out over the plant ...


Active Member
I also Have 2 CFL's closer to the plant - Here's some shot's after I moved The LED to the top of the box ( like you see in the other Image )

A bigger picture ;]

Extra Large Image : Which Do you prefer ??? ( Big , Medium , Small ) Let me know ?

Just the 1 Fan ( For now ) Temps - 28-30 C / 75-80 F




Active Member
Hi there hows it going, whats the news on the speedy gonzales?.. just harvested 1 of my ladies..2 to go....


Active Member
Cheers Neil , Sorry about all these Threads I bet Its getting annoying for a lot of people , I just couldn't find my Threads anywhere - I mean I was checking my profile > subscribed Threads ...Maybe I didn't subscribe to them :/ I dunno But I'm going to delete some when I can I found 1 because you commented On It
If you would be kind enough to me a favour & comment on any other Threads that are going so I know where they are ( I need to delete some )

Thanks for Viewing , Thanks for posting - Much appreciated m8 =-{]


Active Member
The Speedy G has grown a lot , I think It's been going 1 week now ... my Blue Cheese Is flowering like mad now - Still In the beginning but looking good man ( I have fucked up with my 12/12 schedule .. I started turning off at 9pm / On at 9am

I woke up late about 10 am so the plant had been In dark for an extra hour ... So I turned the lights off at 10pm ( so she got 12 hours light ) I then woke up an hour late : 11am >:(

So I turned the lights off at 11 that night so she got 12 hours light , I notice a few hairs ( pistils don't look as thick & healthy as they did ) The plant Is still looking Great all perked up and active ... been getting some Intense sun on my windowsill all morning I think she has another few hours Of Sun today ( 4-5 )

I'll get some pictures up of here now ; ]

My blue cheese plant :



Active Member
Some more shot's of that Blue cheese man , looking sweet as **** ;]
Yh I messed up on the light schedule but Everything still looks good
I might suffer some weight loss Though >:(

I have found little spiders In the soil not many but They could get out of hand If I dont get some Mite killer soon ... I'd be gutted If It spred to me Blue Cheese man !

These where taken today while the Sun was shinning -
