Auto flower ...Week 6 Flower ... help with root rot!

so, I'm almost home ... im in week 6 flower of my very first grow. (Cream cookies) can't wait to show you all what comes of her... but i have no clue what I'm doing ... YET... but im learning ...

Now... i have a decent case of ROOT ROT and as a new grower... being in week 6 of flower.... (actually week 6 starts tomorrow) I'm not sure what to do???
Should I let it go... 2 maybe 3 weeks left?
(Last 10 days will be flush anyway)
Should I treat with 35% H020? Will that hurt the end product?
I'm getting real growers recharge and K-sea kelp from greenleaf today... should I use that instead of H202???

To all of you real growers to take time out of your day to read and respond to this post... for your time and sharing your knowledge... THANK YOU :)