Auto flowering question


I was thinking about ordering an Ak47xlowryder off of attitude. If i'm going to be using an auto flowering plant do i NEED lights or can i just put them by the window and watch them grow?

Electricity bill is the problem here, i can't let it get high and i was just wondering if i could still get a good yield from an auto flowering plant if i just put it by a window.

(this is my first time growing if you cant tell :weed:)


Active Member
if u wanna go cheap on the electric bill autos are not the way to go get a reg strain and do 12/12 from seed. since autoflowers dont follow a light sched the ideal thing is to give ur plant as much light as possible like a 20/4 light cycle to get max yield and 20/4 will def run ur bill up go to nirvana seed shop they only have a limited strain amount but the are cheap and its ten seeds per pack they also have a daily special right now its chrystal 20 seeds for 40 bucks including tax n shipping


Active Member
if u do get the lr2 or whatev just use cfl's like 4 or 6 of em in a little cab put it on a 19/5 cycle and let her grow


ok thanks. Do you know what strains have a quick harvest that arent auto flowering? My buddy is moving out of town in august and i need some plant that i can harvest before then if i plant it in late march- early august.
Tried it and thers a couple problems, ull have to work with the light outside. If ther is enuff light then the plant will continue vegging and get too big for a windowsill. The plant will recieve most light on one side and bend bcuz it is trying to reach the light and ull have to spin the plant to a different side each day. The plant will waste energy growing sideways and will give u a small harvest of sum pretty weak bud; but that's if u do it on ur windowsill. This will work better on ur balcony or better Yet, pick up sum cheap cfls and 12/12 that shit from seed. Check out micro growing, that might help u out.


Active Member
?? whats ur time frame like u can pretty much harvest any strain in about 7-8weeks time strain from seed u may only get any where from 1to 28 grams on a single plant but if u grow 8 to 16 plants and can get a oz off each plant in 8weeks u can have up to a pound im in the process of do it myself i have about 13 seedling going all started 12/12 from the gate plane on harvest in 5 maybe 6 weeks


Active Member
yea like the guy above me said look into mirco growing i bought a 2.5 ft cabinet for like 20bucks and just grow all my seeds 12/12 from start in 16oz cups
Top44 has the shortest flowering time but I herd it got discontinued so u can try endless sky from dr.greenthumb. It can finish pretty early but u need a miracle my friend.


My time frame is from late march and i need to harvest before august. I can grow plants outside but i got the impression that most outside plants dont harvest until september or october. If i start the seeds inside then move them outside will i be able to harvest before august?


Active Member
it depends on where ur from i guess but if u cud grow in doors u'll have plenty of time to grow a crazy amount of green u have about 5months i dont see a good harvest from an outside grow in that time frame i wud invest in a box of some type a light time and maybe some cfl's


I looked at Lowryder #2 feminized from Attitude and it says that no seperate room or light cycle is needed and it still yields strong.

Anyone know if this strain is the ticket for me?