Auto Grow 250W MH/HPS

Secret Jardin

Well-Known Member
Hey Big Raw!,
You gonna do some more updates soon?
I only got about 12 more days on my Roadrunners and 20 on my Lr2xak47:peace:

Big Raw J

Active Member
Looking good, The Roadrunners flowers are filling in, so are the Easy Ryders. Both are getting crystals. The Afghan Ryder is huge...Actually bought some cloning shit and gonna practice to see how it works. I know its an auto flower, but who knows, most people are having to put it in 12/12 to get it to bloom anyway..I gotta trim her down, shes taking up too much space.

Afghan Ryder...20in tall, about 20in wide
Easy Ryder...10in tall
Roadrunner...25in tall

Made my carbon filter today..Easy and effective.

Also I would like to point out that the pots my plants are in are autowatering pots...They have a reservoir in the bottom that holds about a half gallon...Once my plants are growing well I usually fill the res with whatever I'm feeding them. There is a flat rope like material that goes into the res and up on top of a false bottom in the pot. The plant can drink whenever it wants then by wicking the water up the rope. I find that I don't under or over water, especially when they are flowering. They are usually really thirsty and they drink it up. I found it's good to get the plant used to the dose of nutes first by regular feeding, then filling the res after you see the plant took well to the dose. You don't want to over feed and then have to empty the res, and then flush it out.



Well-Known Member
Awesome grow so far. I have all 3 of these. Havnt potted anything but some diesel ryders. Good job! I goin to look into those autowatering pots. Autoflower, autowater and a light timer. All I have to do is come down in 2 months and clip some smoke! Lol.. Naw, good grow tho, they look yummy + rep

Big Raw J

Active Member
Awesome grow so far. I have all 3 of these. Havnt potted anything but some diesel ryders. Good job! I goin to look into those autowatering pots. Autoflower, autowater and a light timer. All I have to do is come down in 2 months and clip some smoke! Lol.. Naw, good grow tho, they look yummy + rep
Thanks for the compliments,very much appreciated. You'll have to stick around for the smoke report to let you know what to grow next!

Big Raw J

Active Member
Took some clones of the Afghan today...I guess if she decides to start flowering soon, these clones will be no good if they take.. Doesn't matter to me though, I wanted to try cloning and she is getting too big for my tent anyway.



Well-Known Member
usually when i clone i cut off the tips of the bigger leaves to promote root growth but urs look pretty still. quick question what did u use for ur clones a powder or a gel and where did u get the rockwool from i have looked everywhere and i cant find it?

Big Raw J

Active Member
usually when i clone i cut off the tips of the bigger leaves to promote root growth but urs look pretty still. quick question what did u use for ur clones a powder or a gel and where did u get the rockwool from i have looked everywhere and i cant find it?
I was going to see how they do for a few days and then trim more off, but they look great today surprisingly...None of them are dropping at all and the leaves are raised up to the light, so that's a great sign.
I got the rockwool at my local hydro store and just used a Shultz powder rooting hormone I got on clearance at Menards.



Well-Known Member
They're all looking good, Big. Too bad you can't let the Afghan just do her thing, but it'll be interesting to see if you end up with a bunch of little flowering autos from the clones. Why do you think they won't make it if they start flowering? The Easyryder is much more bushy than mine, with many more bud sites. Should fill in nicely. Cheers.

Big Raw J

Active Member
i didnt think you could clone an auto?
You can clone the plant, you just wouldn't want to. The lifecycle goes by the age not by the photoperiod. That's why I wrote in the first clone post if the Afghan starts to flower soon than the clones will be no good.

Lots of people have had probs with the WOS Afghan Kush Ryder not flowering like it was supposed to. I figured i would give it a shot anyway...I needed to trim the plant down for room. Read thru my post, I explain it throughout....

Big Raw J

Active Member
They're all looking good, Big. Too bad you can't let the Afghan just do her thing, but it'll be interesting to see if you end up with a bunch of little flowering autos from the clones. Why do you think they won't make it if they start flowering? The Easyryder is much more bushy than mine, with many more bud sites. Should fill in nicely. Cheers.
Thanks for checking on me Pablo..If the mother plant starts to flower, than that means that the clones will too..I wanted to be able to get them rooted in a week or so and then grow them up to about 6-8 in and then flower them out...Seeing I don't have any room, I was going to get them going and have a few friends take some to finish. Who knows what happened with this fuckin Afghan...I read all sorts of shit about it not being the right seed, mixed up orders, so who really knows. I'm sure she will be more than enough even with me trimming her down. Couldn't imagine her doubling in size when she flowers...Jesus. If she stays vegging, then I'm gonna prob take some more clone if the first ones work out. Then after the 2 autos are done I will prob get her in 12/12 and finish her up....Kinda a guessing game now, will she flower under 18/6 or not?

Big Raw J

Active Member
Fed the Afghan the GH Maxigro and gave the other flowering autos an upped dose of the Maxibloom along with molasses, 1 tbsp per gallon. Prob start introducing some Koolbloom in very small doses in the next week.


Well-Known Member
Fed the Afghan the GH Maxigro and gave the other flowering autos an upped dose of the Maxibloom along with molasses, 1 tbsp per gallon. Prob start introducing some Koolbloom in very small doses in the next week.
hey big raw, glad you stopped by my journal so i could find yours. i just got 5 easy ryder fems in the mail today as well as 5 diesel and 5 ak47 fems and in my grow right now i have 2 lr2's 3 ak47's and one red dwarf. i wish i couldve gotten teh roadrunner seeds to work when i got 2 as freebies when they were being offered but they never germinated :(.

Big Raw J

Active Member
hey big raw, glad you stopped by my journal so i could find yours. i just got 5 easy ryder fems in the mail today as well as 5 diesel and 5 ak47 fems and in my grow right now i have 2 lr2's 3 ak47's and one red dwarf. i wish i couldve gotten teh roadrunner seeds to work when i got 2 as freebies when they were being offered but they never germinated :(.
Thanks for takin a look. Yeah, who knows about those free seeds...I love em, but it seems some people are getting duds while others are have no trouble at all. I need to get some of those diesel ryders. Those are supposed to be one of the most potent autos..


Well-Known Member
great thanks yeah they look great for some reason i have a hard time cloning i have rootone powder and jiffy pots and they always seem to start to die after about 5 days dont know i think i am just gonna by a small aeroponics clone kit to make sure that i do it right next time. Also what kind of light do u have above them is it just a cfl?

Big Raw J

Active Member
great thanks yeah they look great for some reason i have a hard time cloning i have rootone powder and jiffy pots and they always seem to start to die after about 5 days dont know i think i am just gonna by a small aeroponics clone kit to make sure that i do it right next time. Also what kind of light do u have above them is it just a cfl?
I can't believe they are doin this well so far...Yeah I just have 2 of the 13? cfl bulbs. Got it about 4-5in above the dome.


Active Member
yeah, i stayed away from the wos afghan even tho it looks tasty. goin with diesel fems and hindu fems after my current grow. stop by big rawj