PEACE MY BROTHER. Great job on the goes to show that your due dilligence and good attitude (and stick-to-it-iveness) pays huge dividends in the end. Plus rep for the journey and the info that you have shared with others in attempts to help...just a way to thank you for others. I have been watching you (obviously subscribed) and it has been a journey but I'm sure that you are pleased with thte results just like I told you. You kept a good attitude and it worked. She looked lovely, and just like bad ass chick I'm sure she'll feel GREAT GOING DOWN!!

. I trust that I shall have success as such when I am ready to harvest.
I also trust that you learned a great deal from this and it will carry you out in the future. KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK (thinking back I recall you saying that you wont be able to smoke it all and you would be giving most of it away and now I wish I was closer

...I know if you could you would)