auto grow question..


Well-Known Member
hi all i have some auto seeds on the go, they have just poped though the soil, on day 2. i am useing a 250w cfl lamp for this stage them a 400w hps for the rest of the grow. my question is:: at this stage what is the best light cycle i am useing the 18 hours at the mo, i know you can use 24 hours with auto but at this stage is 24 hours too much like everyone i want my seeds to do there best and all live, so far 15-15 have poped up. any help or info would be good thanks all.:weed:
My buddy starts his off with simple dayglo or flourecents 24/7 auto fems , Diesel Ryders and Fast Bud , seems ok to me they are fatter every time i visit the guy lol. The diesel ryder auto fems he has a tad of a finnishing probs , just added to forums actualy but , they also are 24/7 as
we / he / I think that 24/7 in last week/weeks the way forward as only a 250 watt jobby , more light more plant theory . the tallest of the Diesel ryders in 187cm and the smallest is at 77 cm > only spose to got to 60cm max on pkt hehehehe . Yeah right wtf ? In pics we provided some are on boxes to level them at similair height for light . check out the rear right hand 1 , thats 187 cm tall .. some small closet grow , ok if your closets are housed in a country estate lol


Well-Known Member
either 18/6 or 20/4 not 24 hour let them get a little rest

and i like to use flouresent lights on heating pad til week 3 then transplant and under big lights and get rid of heating pad


Well-Known Member
so is the 250w cfl any good? i am useing two heated propagators as all 15 would not fit in just the one! when the lights are on i turn the propagotors off as it get very warm in there, then when the lights are off i turn them back on. i have been useing the 18/6 hours and they seem to be doing ok to get the best yeild what size pot do you think i should use when i repot? thanks everyone for your input..