Auto Hindu Kush Under 400w HPS


Active Member
Hey everyone first time grower long time smoker...Decided to start up this thread to show off my baby...Im 30 days into the grow sorry for the delay only invested in a laptop about 3days ago....As ye all know from the title she's an auto hindu kush which i recieved as a gift i have her set up in a closet grow with an oselating fan...She's growing on Biobizz nutes and all mix soil...This plant is only a test grow and i have a big DIY project this weekend to completly close her off in the closet so i can control her ventalation and get the humidity up abit more she's on average between 25-40%....She's on a light cycle of 20/4....Here's some pics tell me what you think...Any feed back at all will be greatly appreciated...Thanks in advance peeps...PS these pics are from day 28



Active Member
ok its day 30 pics...I fed her yesterday morning bio grow, bio bloom, Bio top loader and bio heaven 1ml of each to a 100ml of water...I watered her this morning and she smelling absolutly lucious...I have to get a carbon filter in soon though i do have family that tend to visit every odd now and then...Here's some pics of day 30..I noticed one of the fan leaves at the bottom of the plant has a yellow tip and a small bit of yellow colour through the rest of the leave getting abit worried.....



Active Member
Well day 31 and think there might be something wrong i noticed that the small bit of yellow that was on the fan leave has gotten worse and even worse than that that i only spotted it after i have given her all her nutes...I will keep an eye on this and if it gets worse i think i'll flush her....any one else got any tips and help would be greatly aprreciated.


Active Member
Well day 33 peeps and she's looking very sweet i must say very proud of how well my first grow is going....The smell is ridiculous though but i love it...2 more days and im gettin an extraction fan and im completely boxing her off in the closet with 2 doors made from plywood with the extractor fan coming out on the top of the right door...Should help me control the enviroment a lot more...Well here's some pics any comments will be greatly appreciated people...

IMG_0215.jpgDay 33..jpgIMG_0220.jpgIMG_0222.jpgIMG_0221.jpgIMG_0219.jpgDay 33.jpg



Active Member
Well its day 36 bought all the materials today to get this closet grow all boxed off...Got the carbon filter and extraction fan so looking foward to that little project tomorrow :)...Offically 6 weeks old today and the plant has stop growing from what i can see in terms of the leaves the buds are constnaly getting bigger and denser....The leaves at the end of the plant have started to turn yellow i was informed that this is ok as she is nearing the really unsure of when to flush her from what i heard its 2 weeks before the chop and i've read online that the hindu kush harvest around the 9th week....Can anyone give me some bit of advice on this


Active Member
Well here's some pics of day 38 the main kola is really coming on she's gulping a serious amount of water i have up her nutes from 1ml per 100ml to 1.5ml...she's been fed bio bizz bloom, grow,top loader and bio heaven..



Active Member
Hey man looking good. Really filling out, them buds look nice and big. What's the growing time for these ? What lights are you using.
Got 5 autos on the go so interesting seeing other types being grown. Check my grow, see what you think.
Will watch :)


Active Member
thanks bro good to hear some feed back man......ya the buds are coming on something savage alrite the growth in 8 days is incredible.....she's on 20/4 under a 400w hps i kept it simple in a closet with a desk fan....its just a test grow till i get things right then im going for the auto ak47 X bluberry....peace


Well-Known Member
Damn that looks its going to be some killer rep...happy growing......


Active Member
you've seen mine, how long ago were your buds my size. I know i'm not going to get anything like your yeald using cfl's but want to get an idea of what I could expect. Guess different plants, different yeald etc but i'd be happy finishing with what you have now.


Active Member
ya man but the hps is shit on electricity thats the only thing like i worked out that the bill for the light and fan for the 3months will be around € if i get an oz off her i'll be happy but evryday i come home from work the buds are after swelling more there just not stopping which is fairly sweet really wasn't expecting my grow to go this well couldn't be happier....hows yours coming along bro???


Active Member
Damn that looks its going to be some killer rep...happy growing......

Thanks man appreciate the feedback...i'll give you a shout when i put up the smoke report and he bud porn you have any idea when is a good time to flush don't want those nutes messing with the taste...peace


Active Member
Well here's some pictures of day 41 people she's doing so well the bud density is spectacular..A gentle squeeze of the main kola and its rock solid very impressed i never knew there could be soo much pride and joy with growing weed im really enjoying this lol...till next time peace XD....

IMG_0250.jpgIMG_0239.jpgIMG_0241.jpgDay 41..jpgDay 41.jpgIMG_0242.jpgIMG_0244.jpgIMG_0247.jpgIMG_0249.jpgIMG_0237.jpg


Active Member
mine are going well mate, uploaded some pic today, have a butchers. these plants grow quick dont they ! every day they seem bigger and with about 3-4 weeks to go they may be pretty decent :)
how much longer for yours ?


Active Member
wow you baby looks juicy !! bet you cant wait to start smoking that fat bitch !! you must be at least 2 weeks in front of me, mine is meant to be ready at 10 weeks but i'm thinking 11 or even 12. Your buds are double the size of mine. Doubled in a week ? keep it up, nearly there ;)


Active Member
ya man the growth is ridculous everyday i come home from work im amazed can you can see the growth straight away....the temptation of cracking of a bud and smoking it is always there but not worth it she's just starting show THC on the buds this morning...Im thinking i'll be chopping on week 10(she's 7 weeks now tomorrow) i'd say but if the main kola gets any bigger im going too have ta support it with a bamboo shoot or something....


Active Member
Hey everyone....I noticed today that some of the hairs on my plant are starting to turn orange how long more do you think she'll be???


Active Member
NIce grow, keep up the good work.
anxious to c her harvest, sub'd

as for her hairs...
get a magnifying lense about 10x or better, and wait to c about 75% of her trichome's heads to turn white...
hairs that are white on the bud will give u a clear head high the more red Orange they r the more of a body stone u will get but as its kush let it go for a week later if growing in soil as this adds more test to the bud flush at 2 weeks b4 u pull no more food only water then about 3 days b4 its ready no water if u can help it this helps with drying then the day u go to cut down leave in darkness for 24 to 48 hrs to add resin happy smoking dude nice plant


Active Member
NIce grow, keep up the good work.
anxious to c her harvest, sub'd

as for her hairs...
get a magnifying lense about 10x or better, and wait to c about 75% of her trichome's heads to turn white...
Hey loudpac cheers bro appreciate the very happy with the way everything is growing was expecting my first grow to have a few hiccups....but deffinetly going to put down a good smoke report after the curing.....Got a magnifying glass i "borrowed" from work going to check it out tomorrow....happy smoking dude