Auto Hindu Kush Under 400w HPS


Active Member
Nice man, my bro has one of these going hopefully similar results
I found that the auto hindu kush likes to be left to do her own thing no need to mess about with her pulling off leaves nd shizz. let the soil go nearly dry every odd now and then get the roots to stretch out she'll take in the nutes then alot quicker when you feed her then the root ball on mine was crazy....Best of luck for your bros yield hope he's as happy as I am with mine


Active Member

Im soo pissed got some mould on themain kola spotted it last night managed to keep the majority lost about 5 or 6g's....Lesson learned should have left the main one hang for another day after the rest bit of a stupid mistake but could be worse it could have been a few days later when i spotted it and lost the lot....
Sorry to dig up an old post but as I told you I am growing some auto hindu's right now and i'm into day 47 of the grow and to be honest my girls look no wheres near as big as yours. On Three out of Six of my girls there is no side branching with buds only a main cola which to be honest is kinda small. This is my first grow but They have looked healthy all the way through and still they are so much smaller than yours. I guess my question is did they really pack on most of their size during the last 20 days?


Active Member
Sorry to dig up an old post but as I told you I am growing some auto hindu's right now and i'm into day 47 of the grow and to be honest my girls look no wheres near as big as yours. On Three out of Six of my girls there is no side branching with buds only a main cola which to be honest is kinda small. This is my first grow but They have looked healthy all the way through and still they are so much smaller than yours. I guess my question is did they really pack on most of their size during the last 20 days?
Hey man thats cool more than happy to help bro...Thats very unusual that you would find them with no side branching...What kind of nutes are you using and how often are you feeding them...she had the majority of her buds showing at day 47 but ya the final push in the last month is fairly ridiculous i upped my nutes for the final four weeks they'll need it to get the buds nice and dense bro the final push you'll see a change everyday...Here's a picture of mine at day 48.....I know 2 of them have day 38 on it but there from day 48....



love the look of that plant am planning on one of them for my first grow aswel...
any idea how much the electricity bill cost in the end?


Active Member
why would u only have 1 kush under ur 400w??????u should have 4-5 and use up the 400w...JMO
Well dude if you read it was a test grow and i only had 2 seeds that my buddy gave me only one of them germinated....I didn't buy the 400w it belong to my buddy who was in between moving house the only thing i bought was the nutes...So to have 52g for fuck all is the shit if i had 5 plants to put under then i would gladly have 5 plants under it


Active Member
love the look of that plant am planning on one of them for my first grow aswel...
any idea how much the electricity bill cost in the end?
Hey dedan in the end the bill my bill for 2 months was a €100 and that was my full bill include all the household shizz....The auto hindu kush is a good first grow plant takes alot of shit and still come back in the end with a good yield and some knock out fucking smoke man its fairly lethal...good luck with the grow and give me a shout if you have any questions dude i would be more than happy to help....peace


Active Member
fucking amazing how fat those buds got man! i was like!!! Real nice grow! How many days did it take you from seed to harvest?