Auto+Photo same time grow?


Well-Known Member
Hi guys so i started a grow recently and i am wondering if u people can help me out.
Im gonna give you a bit of info on the grow first
so jack herer auto and a sweet seeds cream caramel photo,
150watt hps with added blue.
proper ventillation
soil grow
grow space 90*60*160

So my question is will my cream get too massive for the space if i let it veg until the auto is finished?
If so about what litre pot would it need?
If the 2 wont fit in there then can i switch to 12/12 and let the autoflower flower with that schedule instead of the recommended 18/6?
If so then what can i expect from the auto jack?
If anyone is interested in the proper setup i have it in my sig just go to the end of the thread to see some pics of my setup and my shitty first attempt ":D


Its really gonna be a judgement call on your part. Depends on which strain you'd rather have 100% of its capability from. If you'd rather have the auto, run 18/6 and train your cream to be shorter as you can. tie it over if you have to. If you'd rather have the cream, switch to 12/12 and the auto will do alright. Its won't be what it could be but it will do alright. If the auto is showing sex, it wouldn't hurt it as bad to switch to 12/12. The first 2 or 3 weeks it the most critical for an auto. It grow as big as possible to produce more in the long run. It has a short life so it really pushes during the first 2 or 3 weeks. If it was me, and the auto is showing sex, I would switch to 12/12 and finish them together


Well-Known Member
Its really gonna be a judgement call on your part. Depends on which strain you'd rather have 100% of its capability from. If you'd rather have the auto, run 18/6 and train your cream to be shorter as you can. tie it over if you have to. If you'd rather have the cream, switch to 12/12 and the auto will do alright. Its won't be what it could be but it will do alright. If the auto is showing sex, it wouldn't hurt it as bad to switch to 12/12. The first 2 or 3 weeks it the most critical for an auto. It grow as big as possible to produce more in the long run. It has a short life so it really pushes during the first 2 or 3 weeks. If it was me, and the auto is showing sex, I would switch to 12/12 and finish them together
thanks for the reply dude ..
I think if ill have enough space ill let the auto go on 18/6 untill i feel like i wont have space in a couple weeks and then switch 12/12 and harvest the auto a bit early, my reason being is that id rather have a bigger cream caramell and have less of the jack.. anyway im not fully decided yet.
Also i dont know how well u know ur way around these magnificent things but maybe you can help me out here, the auto seems to be having some sort of defficiency but given its age i highly doubt this on the other hand i think my PH might be a bit high..any insights?2015-02-03 10.03.36.jpg



Well-Known Member
See the end of the leaves? it kinda looks like they dried off a little i dont know i might just be paranoid :D anyway here a pic of the other this one is also doin something wierd .. the edges of the leaves seem to be curling up (i read somewhere they might be transpiring or something liek that and its completely normal )2015-02-03 09.58.02.jpg
See the end of the leaves? it kinda looks like they dried off a little i dont know i might just be paranoid :D anyway here a pic of the other this one is also doin something wierd .. the edges of the leaves seem to be curling up (i read somewhere they might be transpiring or something liek that and its completely normal )View attachment 3344366
Hey is that coco ur in?


Well-Known Member
I've had a couple autos that didn't automatically flower. I had to flower them in 12/12. Their yield wasn't that much less than 18/6. Not worth the additional electrical cost (IMO). The difference was so little that I think it could be made up for by adding sidelighting to the auto (giving it more watts for 12 hours instead of less watts for 18 ).

The only caveat I can think of is that my autos that didn't flip lost their ruderalis genes and produced more because they were more like a photo. But, if I were you I wouldn't worry about the auto. Give it more watts for 12 hours to make up for the light loss.
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Well-Known Member
I've had a couple autos that didn't automatically flower. I had to flower them in 12/12. Their yield wasn't that much less than 18/6. Not worth the additional electrical cost (IMO). The difference was so little that I think it could be made up for by adding sidelighting to the auto (giving it more watts for 12 hours instead of less watts for 18).

The only caveat I can think of is that my autos that didn't flip lost their ruderalis genes and produced more because they were more like a photo. But, if I were you I wouldn't worry about the auto. Give it more watts for 12 hours to make up for the light loss.
Hey AZ.. Thanks for taking the time to reply!! much appreciated!
Yeah maybe you guys are right ill see how things go a friend of mine with nearly the exact setup gets bout 40gr dry perplant from his autos on 18/6 i think ill do the 12/12 just to compare :) Also any thoughts on those deficiencys im suspecting?


Well-Known Member
any thoughts on those deficiencies suspecting?
It looks fine to me.

BTW: I get between 80g to 180g per auto plant. But, I've only grown one auto strain. Could be strain dependent. I grow in #3 containers (2.5 gal actual). They get a little large for a 2x2x5' tall space.

By comparison, I'm almost done running some photos 12/12 from seed (2-3 weeks of 18/6). Plants are in 1/2 gal containers. I'm getting 20-25g per plant.


Well-Known Member
It looks fine to me.

BTW: I get between 80g to 180g per auto plant. But, I've only grown one auto strain. Could be strain dependent. I grow in #3 containers (2.5 gal actual). They get a little large for a 2x2x5' tall space.

By comparison, I'm almost done running some photos 12/12 from seed (2-3 weeks of 18/6). Plants are in 1/2 gal containers. I'm getting 20-25g per plant.
Wow man thats pretty good .. i tried 12/12 first time as u can see in my sig and i ended up with 14 grams bone dry of a plant that was 20 cm tall .. ill try get a pic the thing was just a bud :D:D:D
i wanna get this going perpetual as i do have a very high tolerance and well i dont like not having some smoke :D i was thinking of making the bottom of my tent into veg chamber , any tips? heres a photo of the setup im running right now ..its a little ghetto but i like it :D2015-02-03 20.08.57.jpg


Well-Known Member
Oh and heres my first baby :D Pics were taken like 3 weeks before harvest .. unfortunately i cant find any bud porn from when harvested :/2014-12-25 10.25.38.jpg 2014-12-30 11.08.47.jpg 2014-12-25 10.25.59.jpg


Well-Known Member
Well i started the auto in its final pot cause apparentaly they dont like being repotted , apparentally they dont really have toime to recover from the stress, the cream caramel is in a smal 0,5l pot and will be repotted 2 times i think .
Fun thing happened last night, I added a 20watt coolwhite T5 and placed it so that it doesnt cover light from the hps and when i checked em this mornin they were both "facing" the T5 rather than the hps.. does this mean my hps is too far maybe?


Well-Known Member
Could have been unfortunately i couldnt be the judge i had to go abroad (is that how u spell it?) to run my Fathers business while he was on vacation , but the dried bud had alot of orande hairs so im guessing my SO made a good call, it was a pretty noob run for the first part of that grow with crazy stress to the plants but i think im doin right this time.
I think i might start a New journal if anyone is interested.. well the hps is about 35 cm from the plants and is still getting light to them i was just thinkin that the 20watt coolwhites spectrum was more comfy for them, Any idea as to how far i should have the hps? i have vents that i can channel between the tops and the bulb and problem with the back of the hand test for me is that i cant really judge cause for some reason burning doesnt hurt me so much, i guess my skins just not that sensitive :D
Thanks for all the replys people it doesnt go unappreciated!!!


Well-Known Member
it is in inches idk conversion to cm
thanks for the chart man , i dont think i can go off it cause my 150 puts out 22000 Lm apparently , i dont know if thats its true output or just advertising .. but i do get an idea i think my one is still too far .. thanks man i ws looking for somekinda chart and this ones awesome!! big help dude!