• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Auto White Russian (White widow, AK47, Lowryder) grow with CFLs

mr west

Well-Known Member
well plants need fresh air and oxygene and co2, if u fdont change the air in the cab regularly itss have an abverse effect on ya girls

Medi user

Active Member
You don't need to draw in cold air from outside, just replace or exchange the air in the room. Look at changing the air once every few minutes up to once every minute. If you have vents keep them open, or keep the door ajar, or fit some sort of exhaust fan, from a simple 120mm PC fan, up to an inline fan.


Well-Known Member
Opening the door and me breathing on them is all they get, if I keep the cupboard door open theyll get too cold again.

U and T (the youngest WR) seem to be growing more and look healthy but I think ones a boy and the other one has no sex at all yet, after 4 weeks, its rediculous. And X is dying. Id really appreciate someone offering advice on what might be wrong with her. Her stem is purple, her leaves are pale, some have diseased looking bits, some are brown. I dont have much hope for X coz even if she recovers shes going to be so stunted. Its stupid coz the male thats the same age is doing fine, just took him out today (no seeds being made this time - hating the WRs, not that I have a female to make the seeds). So yea, not liking the WRs.

Meanwhile... * is a girl!!!!!!!! See, this is what it should be like, shes 21 days today, is a lot smaller than the unsexed WRs and shes beautifully showing her sex. Love her. Retard being a little bit behind is still not showing. I hope to god nothing happens to them, theyre my hope for homegrown bud before new year now.

The 6 new DR seedlings have gone green as well so thats good. Theyre still tiny tho. The one surviver from the first 4 DR seeds have f*cked up so just the 6 now I think.

Wish Id never bothered with these WRs. One dying female from 8 seeds. It might be the cold but they just seem to be shit. Im wondering whether its coz theyve been bred so far away from the Lowryders that theyre not as quick to sex or grow or as easy. Dont think Ill try them again.

Pics: X, X, X, WR boy younger than X, U & T, retard and *and you can see the baby DRs



Well-Known Member
the dying one has got to be some kind of nutrient deficiency queen or a lock out. have you flushed? .

try posting the pic on plant problems section with an explanation. someone should be able to diagnose it for you and hopefully keep it alive. lond and mr west are at the hemp expo today so prob cant help.

sorry to hear there not going well for you :(

cold shouldnt be that much of a problem to be honest.

my fingers are crossed for you.


Well-Known Member
Gave X a real good flush while she sat in the bath. Looking close I noticed how bad she is, its not looking good. Gave all the older ones a good watering (mini flush). T is a boy, still not sure about U but U and T are the healthiest by far - very green and bushy. God damn it. Noticed earlier that * and retard are now going pale and patchy. Noooooooooooo. I dont get why U and T are healthy and the others arnt. They have the same soil, pots and environment...? Really dont know whats going on.

Pics are U,*, retard, X.



Well-Known Member
is that third one retard?

jesus he has come along way in a short time. almost looks the healthiest.

did you take advice and put it in the plant problems queen.

someone might be able to save it for you before its to late.


mr west

Well-Known Member
it could well be a root obstruction, did u cut off the bottom of the smaller pot b4 u put it in the bigger 1?


Well-Known Member
Lol I know it looks like I kept X in the bottle but I didnt I just put a bit round the top so she could have more room at the bottom!

Using Miracle grow soil - the organic one which isnt as strong (feed for 6 weeks not 3 months).

I dont want to post in the problem pages coz people will probably start asking what fan Im using and what the temps and pH are but I cant afford such luxuries at the mo :( I hoped someone round these parts might know. I might try finding something today tho. I want to see if the flushing helps as well tho. Surely cant be a defficiency coz Im using MG soil but I thought it might be the cold or the pH making the plants unable to absorb the food? The heats better now so feel like the only think I can do is flush. I gave X a tiny bit of tomato food after flushing just incase Id flushed out what she needed, didnt use much tho. The others havnt had any nutes. Im worried that now * and retard are going pale and patchy. There just doesnt seem to be any reason why they should be going wrong. And yes that is retard - its done very well to almost catch up to *!


Well-Known Member
Well Ive posted her in the problem section. I hope people dont hurl abuse about my less than perfect set-up :(


Well-Known Member
well... I'm no expert by any means... but I've had simialar issues with my WR's... X's stem looks pretty purple... Nute Def? The older leaves seem to be fading to gold which is all the same my WR2 did before I had to give her a boost... I do believe she was N Deficiant.

Juss throw'n my amature thought into the mix!

Goodluck! Hope X pulls through!!


Well-Known Member
Thanks. I hope she does too. Retards a girl too but she is worse than *with the patchy yellowing leaves. My post on the advice page got me nowhere. Just people I dont know giving opposite advice and I dont know who to listen to. One says defficiency, one says nute burn. Personally, I dont think it can be defficiency in that the nutes arnt there for it as they have been repotted into fresh nute filled soil. I dont think its nute burn at all either because the leaves arnt curling and just the apearance of them says defficiency - they just look like theyre not getting what they need to build themselves and keep themselves going. This brings me to the conclusion that it is something stopping them from absorbing the nutes. Ive heard that cold and pH can do this. Well I think Ive solved the cold problem and Im hoping the flushing will help the pH get back to normal. Ive just watered with some calcified seaweed to help the pH and give them calcium and minerals and other nice crap thats in there. I dont know what else to do. Its so great that * and retard are both girls, I dont want them to end up the same way as X. The other WR left to sex, think its U, is bloody green and bushy as hell. I just dont get why that one is perfectly happy! It seems to only be the girls that are affected!


Well-Known Member
Hey Queen... check these sites out... I've experianced that when it's a PH fluxuation problem the leaves tend to have inconsistant brown spotting on the fan leaves... I really do still want to say it's a defficiency... but then who knows... I'm no expert, but I hope this helps a bit... after I treated mine that was experiancing similar problems with what I identified on the chart, I've not had a single problem yet!

2 Marijuana Nutrient And Deficiency Reports



Well-Known Member
Thats awesome, thanks. Im thinking retard has a magnesium deficiency, X seems to have numerous deficiencies! Oh so many problems...


Well-Known Member
Hey Queen Bee, its been a minute. Ok, your prolly not going to like to hear this but your problem is your using MG soil and nutes. Soil from your front yard mixed with perlite is better then MG (dont use that cuz youll bring in nastys) My point is you need to get some type of soil. Now I dont know what kind of stores are in the UK cuz im from the US, but I know they ahve supermarkets and I know somewhere around you is going to have some cheap soil/compost Get some plain compost with NO NUTES and some perlite or vermiculite mix it 70/30 and get some shultz 10-15-10 (anywhere that sells miracle grow will have this as there the two most universal fertilizer/soils) and some mollasses all this will cost you less then 10$ I believe thats like 5 pounds. Another problem is you say you dont keave your closet door and just oepn a few times, well lemme ask you something if you locked your self in your car and only opend the door a couple times a day how long you think you would be able to breath? Same thing for your plants your suffocating them. Your MG soil and nutes is like you eating Mcdonalds big macs and frys every day every time you eat...how long before your body starts breaking down? about a few years...well same thing for your plants, it just takes alot less time. I know a supermarket by you will have shultz 10-15-10 its not the best but its a good cheap fertilizer use 4 droppers shultz 10-15-10, 1/2 TB mollasses, and 1 TB fish emulsions(if you can find its very common they should have it) per gallon of water. Aswell as get some compost and mix 70/30 with vermiculite or perlite. This is exactly what I use and it works great...im in same situation money is very tight. THIS IS IMPORTANT. Theres no way your house is cold enough for it to be bothering your plants. It will have to get below 60 degrees for it to even have a chance to bother your plants...it easily gets in the 50's nad 40's during october in alot of places it grows wild at night. So in a nutshell give it Better food and nutrition and give it circulation...keep a closet door open. Unless your house is 50 degrees (and I know its not cuz no woman ive ever known likes it that cold) its not going to hurt it. You need to change these things TOMOROW or ASAP. X is not beyond repair but it seriously needs a change.



Well-Known Member
Ok, appreciate the advice but have to say a few things as I feel a bit insulted (maybe Im being sensitive...)
but I know they ahve supermarkets and I know somewhere around you is going to have some cheap soil/compost Get some plain compost with NO NUTES and some perlite or vermiculite mix it 70/30 and get some shultz 10-15-10 (anywhere that sells miracle grow will have this as there the two most universal fertilizer/soils) and some mollasses all this will cost you less then 10$ I believe thats like 5 pounds.
Please dont assume you 'know' what is available to me. My local supermarket doesnt even sell compost; the local hardware/gardening store (focus) has 2 different types of compost - miracle grow and another type that has added nutes like MG. And I have seen great plants grown on MG. I want to try a nute-free compost but like I said its not readily available near me. Ive never even heard of shultz, never mind seen it and I know what it is but Ive never seen molasses in a shop yet. Yes I probably could go on a big trek to a decent store and get this stuff, and I will do asap, but at the moment I am beyond skint and simply cant afford to go out TOMORROW to get this stuff. I dont want it to seem like Im asking for help then turning my back on it but I have said before if the solution isnt v cheap / free I just dont have the resources to do it. I love advice and info but Im not comfortable with being TOLD what to do!

I dont do F but apparently 60F is 15C and yes my house gets colder than that. Again with the assuming about my situation. The heating was broken for a while and the only heat was from the fire in the lounge. Even now my thermostat is only at about 17C to save on gas so yes it must get below 15C. I do believe that the cold has been a problem. I got 2 dodgy retarded germinations out of 4 seeds before when I kept them in the cold cupboard but when the next lot of seeds were in the lounge in the warmth I got 6 successful seedlings out of 6 seeds. I think they would benefit from better air circulation - now the heatings fixed and the house is a bit warmer I am opening the door more so hopefully that will help.

Its so hard trying to take advice because people have all sorts of different opinions and I never know who to believe. Im also one of those people who always thinks Im right and that doesnt help. I like to know what people think but usually end up doing what I thought in the first place! And if I did everything everyone told me I would be adding all kinds of sh*t so maybe I should make my own conclusion and then at least Ive only got myself to blame. Ive accepted the fact that they might die but I wont stop trying and the more I try the more Ill learn. I think its the cold or pH so my main aim is to get hold of some dolomite lime. So far Ive raised the temps, flushed and watered with calcified seaweed mixed in. I guess only time will tell...

Sorry for the essay, sorry for hitting back, feel better now Ive said my peace!

robert planter

Active Member
Hey I have been looking into getting some dualspectrum cfls.. where did you get your 125 watt.. and how do they work work for the flowering stage??


Well-Known Member
I wasnt trying to tell you to do anything. Im just trying to help you. Like I said I dont know what is in the UK, I live in the US. No reason to get offended. However you said you wanted a cheap or free solution. What I told you would cost you no more then 10$ US dollars which is around 5 pounds or Euro w/e they use there. Do you have rich soil there? If so get you some soil from outside, dig under the grass to avoid grass roots and put it in an old pillow case. Try and mix some sand or vermiculite with it for aeration if you can. Put this soil filled pillowcase in a bathtub with 170 degrees Farenheit water (not sure on celcius) for 1-2 hours. WHat this will do is pasteruize the soil, killing any spider mite eggs, parasites, and other nastys in the soil without killing the micro organisms that your plant feeds off of. I know this because I also grow shrooms and this is how you sterilize a bulk substrate. If you dont trust me thats fine. Just do it with one plant and see if you want to do it with more. You can use corn syrup if you cant find mollasses for a carbohydrate sugars boost. As far as ferts go...if they do not have shultz and miracle grow is absolutly all they have then you need to change the ammount. Try giving them half what your giving them now. If you can test the ph then test it, you may have a nute lock out. I know for a fact the cold is not causing your problems. I grew up in Alaska where it was not uncommon for it to get 10-20 below zero F during the winter and I grew up in a cabin with no big heater or anything. All we had was a wood stove and a couple electric heaters. It easily got 40-50 at night and plants grew fine. Relax, take a big deep breath and try and accept the help people are trying to give you. I am the same way, I can be hard headed and stubborn and think im the only person that can be right. But, for your plants own good atleast try something, because obviously what your doing now is not working. None of this is intended to insult you or boss you around. This is my advice, take or not. Either way, good luck with your grow and I hope you get it worked out.



Well-Known Member
very good advice sexologist.

try not get worked up queen. chill and have a think or read about what you neexd to do, everyones here to help not boss you around.

i hope it works out, if i can help at all message me k :eyesmoke:

if it helps with your confusion, go to one person you trust and ask there advice and follow it its prob othe only way you will get a straight answer.


Well-Known Member
Sorry i wasnt trying to have a go, and it not that I dont specifically trust anyone just who to trust when different people say different things. I do appreciate the advice so thanks, guess I just got a bit touchy thinking people are thinking Im not doing my best. I will try to get some decent supplies when I have the cash - cant use my soil coz the soil in my garden rubbish. I havnt given them nutes yet - I let the MG feed them. Ive been watering with calcified seaweed. Retard looks like magnesium defficiency after looking at the problem identifier thing (X must have numerous defficiencies) so Im hoping that watering with calcified seaweed will help as that has Mg and hopefully it will help the pH too. Ive been giving X a little bit of fertiliser too, just incase for some bizzare reason theres no nutes left in the soil. I also cut off about 4 dead leaves just to be on the safe side incase they started going manky.

